ACM Publications(ACM 出版物)

ACM Publications 

Transactions on Autonomous Adaptive Systems    TAAS 
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) is a venue for high quality research contributions addressing foundational, engineering, and technological aspects of complex computing systems exhibiting autonomous and adaptive behavior. TAAS encourages contributions advancing the state of the art in the understanding, development, and control of such systems. Contributions are typically based on sound theoretical models and supported by proper experimentations/validations.  
Transactions on the Web    TWEB 
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) is a journal reporting the results of research on Web content, applications, use, and related enabling techologies. Topics in the scope of TWEB include but are not limited to the following: Browsers and Web Interfaces; Electronic Commerce; Electronic Publishing; Hypertext and Hypermedia; Semantic Web; Web Engineering; Web Services and Services Computing; XML In addition, papers addressing the intersection of the following broader technlogies with the Web are also in scope: Accessibility; Education; Knowledge Management and Representation; Mobility and pervasive computing; Performance and scalability; Searching, Indexing, Classification, Retrieval and Querying, Data Mining and Analysis; Security and Privacy User Interfaces. Papers discussing specific Web technologies, applications, content generation and management and use are within scope. Also, papers describing novel applications of the web as well as papers on the underlying technologies are welcome.  
Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data    TKDD 
Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD covers areas such as scalable and effective algorithms for data mining and data warehousing, mining data streams, mining multi-media data, mining high-dimensional data, mining text, Web, and semi-structured data, mining spatial and temporal data, data mining for community generation, social network analysis, and graph structured data, security and privacy issues in data mining, visual, interactive and online data mining, pre-processing and post-processing for data mining, robust and scalable statistical methods, data mining languages, foundations of data mining, KDD framework and process, and novel applications and infrastructures exploiting data mining technology. TKDD encourages papers that explore the above subjects in the context of large distributed networks of computers, parallel or multiprocessing computers, or new data devices. TKDD also encourages papers that describe emerging data mining applications that cannot be satisfied by the current data mining technology.  
Journal on Data and Information Quality    JDIQ 
Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) welcomes research contributions on the following areas, but not limited to: Information Quality in the Enterprise Context; Database related technical solutions for Information Quality; Information Quality in the context of Computer Science and Information Technology; and Information Curation. JDIQ accepts research conducted using a wide variety of methods ranging from positivists to interpretive methods, systems building descriptions, and database theory, as well as statistical analysis, mathematical modeling, quasi experimental methods, hermeneutics, action research, and case study. JDIQ accepts diverse research methods that are customary in different research backgrounds and traditions, both quantitative and qualitative.  
Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems    TRETS 
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) covers reconfigurable technology, systems, and applications on reconfigurable computers. This journal focused on research in, on, and with reconfigurable systems and on the underlying technology (which is currently that of FPGAs but could include other approaches involving an adaptable fabric) that supports these systems for computing or other applications. The scope, rationale, and coverage by other journals are often limited to particular aspects of reconfigurable technology or reconfigurable systems. TRETS will be a journal that covers reconfigurability in its own right.  
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage    JOCCH 
The print will constitute an entire volume at the end of the year.  
Transactions on Accessible Computing    TACCESS 
Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) is of particular interest to individuals with special needs and provide tools and resources to alleviate the traditional barriers encountered by persons with disabilities. For example, speech generation systems have assisted persons with visual impairments and blindness, voice recognition has helped people with motor impairments, and multi-modal presentations have been shown to be effective in helping people with learning disabilities. These issues and those yet to emerge will be addressed in TACCESS.  
Transactions on Computation Theory    ToCT 
The ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (ToCT) is a new quarterly peer-reviewed journal with an emphasis on computational complexity, foundations of cryptography and other computation-based topics in theoretical computer science.  
Evolutionary Computation    EVCO 
Evolutionary Computation provides an international forum for facilitating and enhancing the exchange of information among researchers involved in both the theoretical and practical aspects of computational systems of an evolutionary nature. The journal publishes both theoretical and practical developments of computational systems drawing their inspiration from nature, with particular emphasis on evolutionary algorithms (EAs), including, but not limited to, genetic algorithms (GAs), evolution strategies (ESs), evolutionary programming (EP), genetic programming (GP), classifier systems (CSs), and other natural computation techniques.  
ACM Inroads    ACM Inroads 
ACM Inroads is a magazine intended for professionals interested in advancing computing education in the world. Authors represent an international community of scholars who reflect and contribute to the computing profession. In addition to invited editorials and columns, authors may contribute to technical papers in standard or extended formats, bits-and-bytes, letters to the editor, and other peripheral information affecting computing educational communities. The focus of the publication is to generate new inroads in theory and practice affecting a worldwide community of computing educators that fosters dialogue, cooperation, and collaboration  
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) publishes the highest quality papers on intelligent systems, applicable algorithms and technology with a multi-disciplinary perspective. An intelligent system is one that uses artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to offer important services (e.g., as a component of a larger system) to allow integrated systems to perceive, reason, learn, and act intelligently in the real world.  
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (ACM TMIS) publishes the highest quality papers about the design, development, assessment, and management of information technology and systems within organizations, businesses, and societies. In addition to traditional management and behavioral MIS research, ACM TMIS strongly encourages submissions of high-quality system and design science research, as well as submissions in emerging MIS multidisciplinary research topics that may span several traditional academic disciplines.  
Communications of the ACM    CACM 
Communications of the ACM is the leading print and online magazine for the computing and information technology fields. Communications is recognized as the most trusted and knowledgeable source of industry information for today’s computing professional. Communications brings its readership in-depth coverage of emerging areas of computer science, new trends in Information Technology, and practical applications. Industry leaders use Communications as a platform to present and debate various technology implications, public policies, engineering challenges, and market trends. The prestige and unmatched reputation that Communications of the ACM enjoys today is built upon a 50-year commitment to high quality editorial content and a steadfast dedication to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology.  
Computing Reviews    CREV 
Computing Reviews is the leading review journal for literature in the computing field. The ACM staff scans thousands of books, proceedings and conference papers each year, selecting the most important contributions for candid, forthright review by specialists in all areas of computing. Comparative reviews spotlight the most important books on a subject, comparing their coverage and helping professionals choose the work that fits their need. CR is especially valuable for busy people, who don’t have time to read everything written in their fields.  
Computing Surveys    CSUR 
These comprehensive, readable tutorials and survey papers give guided tours through the literature and explain topics to those who seek to learn the basics of areas outside their specialties. The carefully planned and presented introductions in Computing Surveys are also an excellent way for professionals to develop perspectives on, and identify trends in complex technologies. Recent issues have covered image understanding, software reusability, and object and relational database topics.  
interactions    interactions 
The human-built world can afford a sense of beauty, sublimity, and resonance, and through our advancements in technology can come advances in society. At the center of these advances are interactions – conversations, connections, collaborations, and relationships–within and across multiple disciplines, with and without technology. interactions magazine includes timely articles, stories, and content related to the interactions between experiences, people, and technology.  
Journal of the ACM    JACM 
The Journal of the ACM serves as a venue for careful presentation of theoretical research in the core areas of computing: complexity of algorithms, computer architecture, system modeling, AI, data structures, database theory and graph theory, to name a few. The authors are world class scientists, writing to other scientists about advances, methods and findings behind the fundamentals.  
Mobile Networks    Monet 
MONET features Special Issues, thus placing an equal emphasis on the various areas of nomadic computing, data management, related software and hardware technologies, and mobile user services, alongside the more “classical” topics in wireless and mobile networking. The journal documents practical and theoretical results which make a fundamental contribution, in areas such as: Nomadic computing, applications and services supporting the mobile user. Design and analysis of algorithms for online and mobile environments. Protocols to cope with mobility, limited bandwidth, intermittent connectivity. Data management Issues in mobile environments. Mobile and wireless networks and their architectures. Mobile node/host architectures. Mobility management, mobile agent and proxy architectures. Solutions for portable, mobile and roaming services.  
Transactions on Information & System Security    TISSEC 
This addition to ACM’s Transactions Series is devoted to the study, analysis, and application of information and system security. TISSEC will begin as a paper-based journal, but will evolve into an electronic publication. The editorial board is committed to a turnaround time comparable to research conferences while ensuring archival journal quality. Topics include: Security Technologies: authentication; authorization models and mechanisms; auditing and intrusion detection; cryptographic algorithms, protocols, services, and infrastructure;recovery and survivable operation; risk analysis; assurance including cryptanalysis and formal methods; penetration technologies including viruses, Trojan horses, spoofing,sniffing, cracking, and covert channels, Secure Systems: secure operating systems, database systems and networks; secure distributed systems including security middleware; secure web browsers, servers, and mobile code; specialized secure systems for specific application areas; interoperability, and composition. Security Applications: threats, system tradeoffs, and unique needs of applications; representative application areas include information systems, workflow, electronic commerce, electronic cash, copyright and intellectual property protection, telecommunications systems, wireless systems, and health care. Security Policies: confidentiality, integrity, availability, privacy, usage, and survivability policies; tradeoffs, conflicts and synergy among security objectives.  
Transactions on Computer Human Interactions    TOCHI 
TOCHI covers the software, hardware and human aspects of interaction with computers. Topics include hardware and software architectures; interactive techniques, metaphors, and evaluation; user interface design processes; and users and groups of users. Those within the artificial intelligence, object-oriented systems, information systems, graphics and software engineering communities, will benefit from the high quality research papers in TOCHI concerning information and ideas directly related to the construction of effective human-computer interfaces.  
Transactions on Computer Systems    TOCS 
TOCS publishes the newest findings of the computingresearch field. Papers published in TOCS are theoretical and conceptual explorations of operating systems, distributed systems and networks. Readers will find design principles, case studies and experimental results in specification, processor management, memory and communication management, implementation techniques and protocols. TOCS also discusses security and reliability, and offers experience-based papers on all these topics.  
Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Sys.    TODAES 
Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) is a new CAD publication emphasizing a computer science/engineering orientation. TODAES contains a varied array of article formats, including research papers, tutorial and survey papers, as well as short technical notes. Let this new reference tool be your pulse to the rapidly changing field of design technology of electronic systems.  
Transactions on Database Systems    TODS 
Heavily used in both academic and corporate R&D settings, TODS is a key publication for computer scientists working in data abstraction, data modeling, and designing data management systems. Topics include storage and retrieval, transaction management, distributed and federated databases, semantics of data, intelligent databases, and operations and algorithms relating to these areas. In this rapidly changing field, TODS provides insights into the thoughts of the best minds in database R&D  
Transactions on Graphics    TOG 
In the colorful pages of TOG, leading researchers discuss breakthroughs in computer-aided design, synthetic image generation, rendering, solid modeling and other areas. “Research,” the largest regular section, is necessary intellectual nourishment for anyone implementing graphics systems. The “Practice and Experience” papers and the “Interaction Technique Notebook” contain accounts of innovative systems, informative applications and novel user interface ideas.  
Transactions on Information Systems    TOIS 
The broad scope of TOIS appeals to industry practitioners for its wealth of creative ideas, and to academic researchers for its descriptions of their colleagues’ work. Though its scope encompasses all aspects of computerized information systems, TOIS most frequently addresses issues in information retrieval and filtering, information interfaces, and information systems design.  
Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation    TOMACS 
Systems modeling and computer simulation are powerful tools for understanding, and TOMACS is a primary source for research on all aspects of these two areas. Emphasizing discrete event simulation, this journal publishes applications, reviews, and tutorials on such topics as combined, distributed, and hybrid simulation, simulation and computer graphics, process generators, and random number generation.  
Transactions on Mathematical Software    TOMS 
As a scientific journal, TOMS documents the theoretical underpinnings of numeric, symbolic, algebraic, and geometric computing applications. It focuses on analysis and construction of algorithms and programs, and the interaction of programs and architecture. Algorithms documented in TOMS are available as the Collected Algorithms of the ACM in print, on microfiche, on disk, and online.  
Transactions on Networking    TON 
Co-sponsored by ACM and the IEEE Computer Society, TON offers broad coverage of research and experience in network architecture and design, communication protocols, network software and technologies, services and applications, and network operations and management.  
Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems    TOPLAS 
The purpose of the ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) is to present research results on all aspects of the design, definition, implementation, and use of programming languages and programming systems. The scope of TOPLAS includes: programming languages and their semantics; programming systems (systems to assist the programming task, such as compilers, runtime systems, and language environments); storage allocation and garbage collection; languages and methods for writing specifications; testing and verification methods; and algorithms specifically related to the implementation of language processors.  
Transactions on Software Engineering & Methodology    TOSEM 
Designing and building a large, complex software system is a tremendous challenge. TOSEM publishes papers on all aspects of that challenge: specification, design, development and maintenance. It covers tools and methodologies, languages, data structures, and algorithms. TOSEM also reports on successful efforts, noting practical lessons that can be scaled and transferred to other projects, and often looks at applications of innovative technologies. The tone is scholarly but readable; the content is worthy of study; the presentation is effective.  
Wireless Networks    Wireless 
Wireless communication brings fundamental changes to data networking and telecommunications, and makes integrated networks a reality. Wireless Networks focuses on networking and user aspects. Network architecture for personal communications systems, wireless LANs, radio, tactical and other wireless networks, and design and analysis of protocols are addressed on a regular basis.  
Transactions on Computational Logic    TOCL 
This new transactions is devoted to research concerned with all uses of logic in computer science.  
Linux Journal    Linux 
Since 1994, the Linux Journal has been bringing readers the information they need to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of Linux. Inside the issues you will find the latest news, interviews with leading Linux personalities, helpful product reviews, and tutorials that will help both the novice and professional Linux user. The use of Linux is growing at a phenomenal rate, as are kernel changes, the latest applications, open source development, and news from the Linux community. New developments seem to surface every day. Linux Journal helps you keep track of it all. 

International Journal Network Management    IJNM 
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., the International Journal of Network Management is dedicated to the dissemination of practical information which enables readers to manage, operate and maintain communications networks more effectively. Articles and columns for the journal are selected with the intent to facilitate the reader’s evaluation of equipment and systems, to provide a detailed understanding of performance issues, and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of networking approaches that can be used to satisfy an organization’s communications requirements. 

Transactions on Asian Language Infor. Processing    TALIP 
The ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) publishes high quality original archival papers and technical notes in the areas of computation and processing of information in Asian languages and related disciplines. Some of the subjects to be covered by TALIP are: Computational Linguistics; Linguistic Resources; Hardware and software algorithms and tools for Asian language processing; Machine Translation; and Multimedia Asian Information Processing. 

Transactions on Internet Technology    TOIT 
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) is intended to be a multi-disciplinary and definitive scholarly journal on the Internet/Web foundational and application technology and on social issues and public policy for guiding the development and application of the technology 

Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems    TECS 
Embedded computing is not just a dry academic discipline, but one informed by and reponsive to the needs of chalenging world problems. As microprocessors have grown in power and sophistication, technology trends are driving embedded system design to become more of a discipline. 

Personal & Ubiquitous Computing    PAUC 
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing has published some of the most innovative international research contributions on the design and evaluation of new generations of handheld and mobile information appliances. Since 1997 it has provided a global perspective on new developments, uniting technical accounts with studies of the social, cultural and organizational impacts of new personal technologies. The journal has published papers from research groups worldwide and has published special issues taken from leading international meetings. 

Transactions on Applied Perception    TAP 
The ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) will aim to bridge the gap between perception and computer science, including the disciplines of graphics, vision, acoustics, and haptics. The scope of TAP includes applications and algorithms in any of these fields that incorporate elements of perception, and research into perceptual aspects of sensory integration. The first issue is planned for September of this year. The co-Editors-in-Chief are Erik Reinhard of the University of Central Florida and Henrich Bülthoff of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. 

Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization    TACO 
The ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) will focus on hardware, software, and system research spanning the fields of computer architecture and code optimization. Articles will either present new techniques and concepts or report on experiences and experiments with actual systems. Insights useful to architects, hardware or software developers, designers, builders, and users will be emphasized. The first issue is planned for January 2004. The co-Editors-in-Chief are Brad Calder and Dean Tullsen, both of the University of California, San Diego. 

The International Journal on Very Large Databases    VLDB 
The VLDB Journal is a quarterly journal published by the VLDB Endowment. The journal is dedicated to the publication of scholarly contributions to the advancement of information system architectures, the impact of technological advancements on information systems, and the development of novel database applications. The journal was launched in July 1992. It is now published both in electronic and printed form by Springer-Verlag, beginning with Volume 5 (1996). In addition to its goal as an outlet for high quality and timely research and development results, the journal has two important commitments: – to low cost so that it is widely affordable – to a quick publication of accepted papers, so as to publish the most recent and timely results. High quality and timely publication is achieved by employing a large editorial board of internationally known researchers and a thorough review procedure. Each editor handles a relatively small number of papers at any one time, and can pay more attention to quality and timeliness of reviews. Papers are available electronically to subscribers as soon as they are accepted, regardless of the schedule of the paper version. 

IEEE/ACM Trans on Computational Biology & Bio Informatics    TCBB 
The TCBB is jointly published by the IEEE Computer Society, the Association for Computing Machinery, the IEEE Neural Networks Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. It also is co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society. The new quarterly will cover topics such as the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical and computational methods that are central in bioinformatics and computational biology; the development and testing of effective computer programs in bioinformatics; the development and optimization of biological databases; and biological results that are obtained from the use of these methods programs, and databases. 

Transactions on Algorithms    TALG 
ACM Transactions on Algorithms deal with algorithms that are inherently discrete and finite, and having mathematical content in a natural way, either in the objective or in the analysis; in particular new algorithms and data structures, new and improved analyses, and complexity results. Specific areas of computation covered by the journal include combinatorial searches and objects; counting; discrete optimization and approximation; randomization; parallel and distributed computation; algorithms for graphs, geometry, arithmetic, algebra, number theory, strings; on-line analysis; cryptography; coding; data compression; learning algorithms; methods of algorithmic analysis; and discrete algorithms for application areas such as biology, economics, game theory, communication, computer systems and architecture, hardware design, and scientific computing. This area list will evolve as the research community explores new areas. In addition to original research articles TALG will include special features appearing from time to time such as invited columns and a problems section. 

Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Sys.    JETC 
The Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems(JETC) provides comprehensive coverage of innovative work in the specification, design analysis, simulation, verification, testing, and evaluation of computing systems constructed out of emerging technologies and advanced semiconductors. Topics include, but are not limited to: Logic Primitive Design and Synthesis: how to design computational logic primitives from the new nanotechnologies, and design tools supporting their effective design and verification; System-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis: how to interconnect these computational primitives to build complete information systems, and design tools for specifying, synthesizing, and verifying such systems; Software-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis: how to develop the necessary software so that applications can be effectively mapped onto information systems implemented using these new nanotechnologies, and tools for generating and verifying the software; and Mixed-Technology Systems: how to interface across potentially hybrid nanotechnologies that may co-exist in the same information system. 

Transactions on Sensor Networks    TOSN 
The ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) covers results in the research and applications of distributed, wireless or wireline sensor and actuator networks. As an interdisciplinary field, sensor networks draw upon many disciplines including signal processing, networking and protocols, embedded systems, information management, and distributed algorithms. The areas covered by this journal include, but are not limited to: Applications of sensor and actuator networks; Data storage and query processing; Distributed and collaborative signal processing; Energy and resource management; Fault tolerance and diagnostics; Foundations of sensor networks; Information theory, coding and compression; In-network processing and aggregation; Learning of models from data; Location, time and other infrastructure establishment services; Low-power hardware design; Mobile or actuator systems; Modeling of systems and physical environments; Network protocols, coverage, connectivity, and longevity; Programming models and languages; Sensor fusion and distributed inference; Security, privacy, and data integrity; Scheduling, sensor tasking and control; Simulation tools and environments; and System architectures and operating systems. 

Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Comm & Applications    TOMCAPP 
TOMCCAP covers multimedia computing (I/O devices, OS, storage systems, streaming media middleware, continuous media representations, media coding, media processing, etc.), multimedia communications (real-time protocols, end-to-end streaming media, resource allocation, multicast protocols, etc.), and multimedia applications (databases, distributed collaboration, video conferencing, 3D virtual environments, etc.). 

Transactions on Storage    TOS 
The ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) covers research contributions that introduce new concepts, techniques, analyses, architectures, devices, as well as applied contributions that report on development of new tools and systems or experiences and experiments with high-impact, innovative applications. It include: Sstorage systems architecture, design, and validation; Storage networking; Storage resource management; Replication, backup, and recovery; Operating system and application support; Information lifecycle management (ILM); Storage media and devices; and Theory. 

Established in 1994 and published quarterly, Crossroads is the official ACM magazine for student members. Each issue features a theme, such as “The Social Web” or “Cloud Computing,” and Crossroads brings exciting research trends, interviews, columns, and even career advice articles related to that theme and relevant to computer science students. The magazine also lists major conferences, calls for papers, grants and fellowships, and other useful information to help students make the most of their educational careers. 



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