

1、下载wordpress包,官网: https://cn.wordpress.org/ ,注意下载的语言版本,git官网默认是英文版。
github: https://github.com/WordPress/WordPress
中文版百度云备份:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aqzvl3hmquwsPy4eiagXzA 提取码:dhnw





过程报错3:缺少相关的的PHP拓展→常见必须拓展json、mysql,使用php -m查看已安装拓展,安装方法

CentOS 下三种 PHP 拓展安装方法
Nginx出现403 forbidden

Linux CentOS firewall指令集


启动: systemctl start firewalld
查看状态: systemctl status firewalld 
停止: systemctl disable firewalld
禁用: systemctl stop firewalld


查看版本: firewall-cmd --version
查看帮助: firewall-cmd --help
显示状态: firewall-cmd --state
查看所有打开的端口: firewall-cmd--zone=public --list-ports
更新防火墙规则: firewall-cmd --reload
查看区域信息:  firewall-cmd--get-active-zones
查看指定接口所属区域: firewall-cmd--get-zone-of-interface=eth0
拒绝所有包:firewall-cmd --panic-on
取消拒绝状态: firewall-cmd --panic-off
查看是否拒绝: firewall-cmd --query-panic
开启一个端口:firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=80/tcp --permanent   (--permanent永久生效,没有此参数重启后失效)
查看:firewall-cmd --zone=public --query-port=80/tcp
删除:firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=80/tcp --permanent
systemctl status firewalld.service
firewall-cmd --state
查看当前开了哪些端口,一个服务对应一个端口,每个服务对应/usr/lib/firewalld/services下面一个xml文件:firewall-cmd --list-services
查看还有哪些服务可以打开:firewall-cmd --get-services
查看所有打开的端口: firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
重新载入/更新防火墙规则: firewall-cmd --reload
指定端口:firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="5432" accept"
指定端口段:firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="5432" accept"

centos7 firewall指定IP与端口访问(常用)

Linux CentOS 8 安装ftp

1. yum -y install vsftp

2. 修改/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf 文件:


3. 开放端口

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=20-21/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=10000-11000/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload 

4. 创建用户并设置访问

sudo adduser newftpuser
sudo passwd newftpuser 
echo "newftpuser" | sudo tee -a /etc/vsftpd/user_list 
sudo mkdir -p /home/newftpuser/ftp/upload 
sudo chmod 550 /home/newftpuser/ftp 
sudo chmod 750 /home/newftpuser/ftp/upload 
sudo chown -R newftpuser: /home/newftpuser/ftp 


5. Windows ftp工具设置,直接在文件浏览器地址栏中输入ftp://IP地址,使用ftp用户账号密码登录,此前要将IE的Internet选项中【高级】里的【 使用被动FTP(为防火墙和DSL调制解调器兼容性)】 前面的勾去掉。

6.查看ftp运行状态:systemctl status vsftpd

参考:如何在 CentOS 8 上使用 Vsftpd 配置 FTP 服务器
CentOS8.0 安装配置ftp服务器的实现方法



1 阿里云购买域名和云服务器ECS,最开始选的共享型small(1G1vCPU),后变更为突发型(2G2vCPU),价格相差10块,后者性能明显好于前者。

2 配置ECS:选择CentOS 8操作系统,CentOS 常用命令见这里。2M固定带宽,选择手工设置密码,服务器选在了国内。


3 通过终端连接到后台,首先更新:yum -y update

4 安装服务器:yum -y install nginx

5 查看服务器状态:systemctl status nginx

如果提示 -bash: systemctl: command not found,是因为CentOS 7.0以后才有systemctl命令,6.x只能用 service nginx status

6 设置开机启动并启动nginx服务器:
[~]# systemctl enable nginx
[~]# systemctl start nginx

7 安装mysql:yum search mysql,选择合适的包,直接yum install mysql是不完整的,需要再把mariadb补充上才能正常使用,见这里
正确的命令(centos8):yum -y install mysql-server

8 初始化mysql:
[~]# systemctl status mysqld,查看状态;
[~]# systemctl enable mysqld,开机启动;
[~]# systemctl start mysqld,启动mysql服务;
[~]# sudo mysql_secure_installation,运行mysql_secure_installation脚本,该脚本执行一些与安全性相关的操作并设置MySQL根密码;

9 配置mysql:
[~]# mysql -uroot -p
[mysql]> use mysql;
> update user set host='% where user='root';
> flush privileges;
> exit
[~]# sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=3306/tcp --permanent
[~]# sudo firewall-cmd --reload

! FirewallD服务如果没启动的话要先设置开机并启动firewalld服务

10 修改/etc/my.cnf配置文件,在末尾添加

11 重启mysql服务:systemctl restart mysqld

12 安装php:yum -y install php*。

13 开机启动php-fpm服务:systemctl enable php-fpmsystemctl start php-fpm

14 修改/etc/nginx/nginx.conf文件:

*For more information on configuration, see:
* Official English Documentation: http://nginx.org/en/docs/
* Official Russian Documentation: http://nginx.org/ru/docs/
user nginx;
worker_processes 2;
worker_cpu_affinity 01 10;
worker_rlimit_nofile 65535;
worker_processes auto;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
pid /run/nginx.pid;

Load dynamic modules. See /usr/share/nginx/README.dynamic.
include /usr/share/nginx/modules/*.conf;

events {
     worker_connections 65535;
     use epoll;
     multi_accept on;

http {
     log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                       '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                       '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;
    server_names_hash_bucket_size 128;
    client_header_buffer_size 32k;
    large_client_header_buffers 4 32k;
    client_max_body_size 8m;

    sendfile            on;
    tcp_nopush          on;
    tcp_nodelay         on;
    keepalive_timeout   65;
    types_hash_max_size 2048;

    fastcgi_connect_timeout 180;
    fastcgi_send_timeout 500;
    fastcgi_read_timeout 500;
    fastcgi_buffer_size 64k;
    fastcgi_buffers 4 64k;
    fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 128k;
    fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 128k;
    gzip on;
    gzip_min_length 1k;
    gzip_buffers 4 16k;
    gzip_http_version 1.0;
    gzip_comp_level 2;
    gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/css application/xml;
    gzip_vary on;

include             /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type        application/octet-stream;

# Load modular configuration files from the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory.
# See http://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#include
# for more information.
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

    server {
            listen 80;
            server_name localhost;
            root 你的根目录;

            location / {
                  index index.php index.html;
                  proxy_http_version 1.1;
                  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                  proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
                  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;
            location ~ \.php$ {
                            if ( $fastcgi_script_name ~ \..*\/.*php ) {return 403;}
                            fastcgi_index index.php;
                            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
                            include fastcgi_params;
            #rewrite ^(.*)$  https://$host$1 permanent;

            listen 443 ssl default_server;
            ssl_certificate   Cert/你的ssl证书.pem;
            ssl_certificate_key  Cert/你的ssl证书.key;
            rewrite ^(.*)$  https://www.aliyun.com;

    server {

            listen 443;
            server_name www.你的域名;
            ssl on;
            root 你的根目录;
            index index.html index.htm index.php;
            ssl_certificate   Cert/你的ssl证书.pem;
            ssl_certificate_key  Cert/你的ssl证书.key;
            ssl_session_timeout 5m;
            ssl_ciphers ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE:ECDH:AES:HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!MD5:!ADH:!RC4;
            ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
            ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

            location / {
                    root 你的根目录;
                    index index.html index.htm index.php;
                    proxy_http_version 1.1;
                    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
                    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
                    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

            location ~ \.php$ {
                            if ( $fastcgi_script_name ~ \..*\/.*php ) {return 403;}
                            fastcgi_index index.php;
                            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
                            include fastcgi_params;


15 检查语法:nginx -t,如果没问题重启nginx:systemctl restart nginx

16 访问域名,获得nginx默认页面或者nginx.conf文件中指定的根目录index文件

参考文章:CentOS 8 安装MySQL 8.0
centos出现“FirewallD is not running”怎么办
nginx安装错误:No package nginx available




     例:select ASCII(“A”),结果为65


     例:select CHAR(65),结果为A


     例:select CHARINDEX(“world”,”hello world!”); 结果为7

select CHARINDEX("z","hello world!"); 结果为0


     例:select DIFFERENCE(“spelling”,”telling”); 结果为2

select DIFFERENCE("hello","hello");结果为4


     例:selectLEFT(“hello”,3); 结果为”hel’

select LEFT("hello",10);结果为"hello’


     例:select LEN(“hello world! “); 结果为12


     例:select LOWER(“Hello”); 结果为为”hello’


     例:select LTRIM(” Hello World  “); 结果为’Hello World  ’


     例:select NCHAR(65);  结果为’A’


     例:select QUOTENAME(“-“); 结果为‘[-]’


     例:select PATINDEX(“%e%”,”hello”); 结果为2


     例:select REPLACE(“hello”,”l”,”a”); 结果为‘heaao’


     例:select REPLICATE(“a”,5)。结果为‘aaaaa’


     例:select REVERSE(“hello”),结果为‘olleh’


     例:select RIGHT(“hello world”,5),结果为‘world’


     例:select RTRIM(” Hello World  “),结果为‘Hello World’


     例:select SOUNDEX(“spelling”); 结果为‘S315’


     例:select SPACE(3); 结果为‘   ’

     19、STR(f,[len [,d]],将指定的float表达式f转换为字符串。len是指定字符串的长度,包括小数点、正负号、数字和空格(默认值为10),d为小数点右边的被返回的数字。在转换过程中会使用四舍五入法。

     例:select STR(123.45678,5,2); 结果为123,5


     例:select STUFF(“Hello World”,6,1,” wonderful “),结果为‘Hello wonderful World’


     例:select SUBSTRING(“Hello World”,7,6),结果为‘World’


     例:select UNICODE(“Hello World”),结果为72,即‘H’的ASCII码


     例:select UPPER(“Hello”),结果为‘HELLO’



What is CPU?
CPU is a brain of a computer. It called Central Process Unit. CPU fetches and executes instructions. CPU consists of an Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), a control unit, registers and buses.

【转】HOW <wbr>DOES <wbr>THE <wbr>CPU <wbr>PROCESS?

Part of CPU
ALU: is a digital circuit that calculates an arithmetic operation (like an addition, subtraction, etc.) and logic operations (like an Exclusive Or) between two numbers. the ALU is a fundamental building block of the central processing unit of a computer.

Control Unit: controls CPU operations, including ALU operations, the movement of data within the CPU, and the exchange of data and control signals across external interfaces(e.g.,the system bus)
Registers: these components are special memory locations that can be accessed very fast. Three registers are shown: the Instruction Register (IR), the Program Counter (PC), and the Accumulator.
Buses: these components are the information highway for the CPU. Buses are bundles of tiny wires that carry data between components. The three most important buses are the address, the data, and the control buses.

How the CPU works??
A computer have a brain and we call it CPU. Firstly , we describe the CPU and its component. After we look into how does the CPU works and CPU evolutaion in a time. We can show it in this picture;

【转】HOW <wbr>DOES <wbr>THE <wbr>CPU <wbr>PROCESS?

This picture show the components as the CPU too. CPUs improved in the time. The introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970s significantly affected the design and implementation of CPUs. Since the introduction of the first microprocessor (the Intel 4004) in 1970 and the first widely used microprocessor (the Intel 8080) in 1974, this class of CPUs has almost completely overtaken all other central processing unit implementation methods. Mainframe and minicomputer manufacturers of the time launched proprietary IC development programs to upgrade their older computer architectures, and eventually produced instruction set compatible microprocessors that were backward-compatible with their older hardware and software. Combined with the advent and eventual vast success of the now ubiquitous personal computer, the term “CPU” is now applied almost exclusively to microprocessors.

Previous generations of CPUs were implemented as discrete components and numerous small integrated circuits (ICs) on one or more circuit boards. Microprocessors, on the other hand, are CPUs manufactured on a very small number of ICs; usually just one. The overall smaller CPU size as a result of being implemented on a single die means faster switching time because of physical factors like decreased gate parasitic capacitance. This has allowed synchronous microprocessors to have clock rates ranging from tens of megahertz to several gigahertz. Additionally, as the ability to construct exceedingly small transistors on an IC has increased, the complexity and number of transistors in a single CPU has increased dramatically. This widely observed trend is described by Moore’s law, which has proven to be a fairly accurate predictor of the growth of CPU (and other IC) complexity to date.

While the complexity, size, construction, and general form of CPUs have changed drastically over the past sixty years, it is notable that the basic design and function has not changed much at all. Almost all common CPUs today can be very accurately described as von Neumann stored-program machines.

As the aforementioned Moore’s law continues to hold true, concerns have arisen about the limits of integrated circuit transistor technology. Extreme miniaturization of electronic gates is causing the effects of phenomena like electromigration and subthreshold leakage to become much more significant. These newer concerns are among the many factors causing researchers to investigate new methods of computing such as the quantum computer, as well as to expand the usage of parallelism and other methods that extend the usefulness of the classical von Neumann model. All von Neumann CPU use for operation fetch,decode,execute and writeback.

The first step, fetch, involves retrieving an instruction (which is represented by a number or sequence of numbers) from program memory. The location in program memory is determined by a program counter (PC), which stores a number that identifies the current position in the program. In other words, the program counter keeps track of the CPU’s place in the current program. After an instruction is fetched, the PC is incremented by the length of the instruction word in terms of memory units. Often the instruction to be fetched must be retrieved from relatively slow memory, causing the CPU to stall while waiting for the instruction to be returned. This issue is largely addressed in modern processors by caches and pipeline architectures .

【转】HOW <wbr>DOES <wbr>THE <wbr>CPU <wbr>PROCESS?

The instruction that the CPU fetches from memory is used to determine what the CPU is to do. In the decode step, the instruction is broken up into parts that have significance to other portions of the CPU. The way in which the numerical instruction value is interpreted is defined by the CPU’s instruction set architecture (ISA).Often, one group of numbers in the instruction, called the opcode, indicates which operation to perform. The remaining parts of the number usually provide information required for that instruction, such as operands for an addition operation. Such operands may be given as a constant value (called an immediate value), or as a place to locate a value: a register or a memory address, as determined by some addressing mode. In older designs the portions of the CPU responsible for instruction decoding were unchangeable hardware devices. However, in more abstract and complicated CPUs and ISAs, a microprogram is often used to assist in translating instructions into various configuration signals for the CPU. This microprogram is sometimes rewritable so that it can be modified to change the way the CPU decodes instructions even after it has been manufactured.

After the fetch and decode steps, the execute step is performed. During this step, various portions of the CPU are connected so they can perform the desired operation. If, for instance, an addition operation was requested, an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) will be connected to a set of inputs and a set of outputs. The inputs provide the numbers to be added, and the outputs will contain the final sum. The ALU contains the circuitry to perform simple arithmetic and logical operations on the inputs (like addition and bitwise operations). If the addition operation produces a result too large for the CPU to handle, an arithmetic overflow flag in a flags register may also be set .

The final step, writeback, simply “writes back” the results of the execute step to some form of memory. Very often the results are written to some internal CPU register for quick access by subsequent instructions. In other cases results may be written to slower, but cheaper and larger, main memory. Some types of instructions manipulate the program counter rather than directly produce result data. These are generally called “jumps” and facilitate behavior like loops, conditional program execution (through the use of a conditional jump), and functions in programs. Many instructions will also change the state of digits in a “flags” register. These flags can be used to influence how a program behaves, since they often indicate the outcome of various operations. For example, one type of “compare” instruction considers two values and sets a number in the flags register according to which one is greater. This flag could then be used by a later jump instruction to determine program flow.

After the execution of the instruction and writeback of the resulting data, the entire process repeats, with the next instruction cycle normally fetching the next-in-sequence instruction because of the incremented value in the program counter. If the completed instruction was a jump, the program counter will be modified to contain the address of the instruction that was jumped to, and program execution continues normally. In more complex CPUs than the one described here, multiple instructions can be fetched, decoded, and executed simultaneously. This section describes what is generally referred to as the “Classic RISC pipeline” which in fact is quite common among the simple CPUs used in many electronic devices (often called microcontrollers)


Computer History

Computer History

Computer History – B.C. – A.D. 1000

50,000 B.C.The first evidence of counting is dated back around 50,000 B.C.
30,000 B.C.Paleolithic peoples in Europe record numbers by notching tallies on bones, ivory, and stone.
4000 B.C.Metals begin being created and used.
3500 B.C.The first evidence of writing is dated back to around 3,500 B.C.
3400 B.C.Egyptians develop a symbol for the number 10, making counting larger numbers easier.
3300 B.C.The Bronze Age begins.
3000 B.C.Hieroglyphic numerals are first used in Egypt.
2600 B.C.Chinese introduce the abacus.
1350 B.C.Chinese use the first decimal.
1350 B.C.Iron begins being developed.
300 B.C.Mathematician Euclid releases Euclid’s Elements, 13 books that summarize all mathematical knowledge of the Greeks.
300 B.C.The Salamis Tablet, Roman Calculi, and hand-abacus, much like today’s abacus.
260 B.C.The Maya develop base-20 system of mathematics, which introduce zero.
1000 A.D.A churchman by the name of Gerbert d’Aurillac, who later becomes Pope Sylvester II, introduces the abacus and Hindu-Arabic math to Europe.

Computer History – 1400’s

1440Johannes Gutenberg completes his development of the Gutenberg press, the first printing press.
1492Leonardo da Vinci makes drawing of 13-digit cog-wheeled adder.

Computer History – 1500’s

1500Leonardo da Vinci invents the mechanical calculator.
1502Peter Henlein, a craftsman from Nuremberg Germany, creates the first watch.

Computer history – 1600’s

1600William Gilbert coins the term electricity from the Greek word elecktra.
1613The word “computer” was first recorded as being used in 1613 and was originally was used to describe a person who performed calculations or computations. The definition of a computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century when it began referring to a machine that performed calculations.
1617John Napier introduced a system called “Napiers Bones,” made from horn, bone or ivory the device allowed the capability of multiplying by adding numbers and dividing by subtracting.
1621The circular slide rule is invented by William Oughtred.
1623Blaise Pascal is born June 19, 1623.
1623The first known workable mechanical calculating machine is invented by Germanys Wilhelm Schickard. The machine is based on the idea of Napier’s Bones, mentioned earlier.
1632William Oughtred of Cambridge combines two Gunter rules to make a device that resembles today’s slide rule.
1642Frances Blaise Pascal invents a machine, called the Pascaline, that can add, subtract, and carry between digits.
1646Gottfried Leibniz is born July 1, 1646.
1662Blaise Pascal passes away August 19, 1662.
1671Gottfried Leibniz introduces the Step Reckoner, a device that can multiply, divide, and evaluate square roots.
1679Gottfried Leibniz demonstrates binary arithmetic, a discovery that shows every number can be represented by 0 and 1 only.

Computer history – 1700’s

1706Benjamin Franklin is born January 17, 1706.
1724Gabriel Fahrenheit purposes the Fahrenheit standard.
1725An early form of punch cards begin to be used in textile looms.
1752On June 10, 1752 Benjamin Franklin flies a kite that collects a charge after being struck by lightning.
1753Charles Stanhope is born August 3, 1753.
1765Joseph Niépce is born March 7, 1765.
1774The first telegraph is built.
1785Charles Thomas is born May 5, 1785.
1785Georg Scheutz is born September 23, 1785.
1789Georg Ohm is born March 16, 1789.
1790Benjamin Franklin passes away April 17, 1790.
1790Samuel Hopkins receives the first United States patent July 31, 1790.
1791Samuel Morse is born April 27, 1791.
1791Charles Babbage is born December 26, 1791.

Computer History – 1800’s

Year Event 1804 Frances Joseph-Marie Jacquard completes his fully automated loom that is programmed by punched cards. 1811 Alexander Bain is born in 1811. 1814 Izrael Staffel is born in 1814. 1815 Giovanni Caselli is born April 25, 1815. 1815 George Boole is born November 2, 1815. 1815 Ada Lovelace is born December 15, 1815. 1816 Charles Stanhope passes away December 15, 1816. 1819 Christopher Sholes is born February 14, 1819. 1820 Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar creates the “arithometer”, the first reliable, useful, and commercially successful calculating machine. 1822 In the early 1822 Charles Babbage purposed and begins developing the Difference Engine. 1823 Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius silicon (Si), which today is the basic component of IC’s. 1825 The earliest known surviving photograph is taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1825 of a view of a courtyard from his window. 1827 George Simon Ohm introduces Ohm‘s law in the book Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet. 1831 Joseph Henry of Princeton invents the first working telegraph. 1832 Semen Korsakov uses punch cards for the first time to store and search for information. 1833 Joseph Niépce passes away July 5, 1833 (age 68) 1835 Elisha Gray is born August 2, 1835. 1837 Charles Babbage purposes the Analytical Engine. 1838 Samuel Morse invents a code (later called Morse code) that used different numbers to represent the letters of the English alphabet and the then digits. 1844 Samuel Morse dispatches the first telegraphic message over a line from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore on May 24, 1844. 1845 In 1845, Izrael Staffel demonstrated the Staffel’s calculator at the industrial exhibition in Warsaw. 1847 Thomas Edison is born February 11, 1847. 1847 Alexander Graham Bell is born March 3, 1847. 1847 Siemens is founded. 1849 John Ambrose Fleming is born November 29, 1849. 1850 Charles Flint is born January 24, 1850. 1851 Western Union was founded. 1852 Ada Lovelace passes away November 27, 1852. 1854 Augustus DeMorgan and George Boole formalize a set of logical operations now known as DeMorgan transformations. 1854 Georg Ohm passes away July 6, 1854 (Age: 65) 1856 Nikola Tesla is born July 10, 1856. 1857 The phonautograph (phonograph) is patented March 25, 1857 by Frenchman Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville. The device was capable of transcribing sound to a medium. 1859 The Elevator is patented on August 9, 1959. 1860 Herman Hollerith is born February 29, 1860. 1861 The first known permanent color photograph is taken of a Tartan Ribbon by the photographer Thomas Sutton. To achieve a color image he took a photo of the ribbon three times, each time with a different color, a method developed by James Clerk Maxwell. 1862 Dorr Felt is born March 18, 1862. 1864 George Boole passes away December 8, 1864. 1866 The first successful Trans-Atlantic cable is laid from Ireland to Newfoundland. 1868 Christopher Sholes is issued a patent on July 14, 1868 for a typewriter utilizing the QWERTY layout keyboard still used today. 1870 Charles Thomas passes away March 12, 1870. 1871 Charles Babbage passes away October 18, 1871. 1872 Samuel Morse passes away April 2, 1872. 1873 Georg Scheutz passes away May 22, 1873. 1874 Thomas Watson is born February 17, 1874. 1875 Tanaka Seizo-sho is established in Japan and later merges with another company called shibaura Seisaku-sho to form Tokyo Shibarura Denki. Later this companies name is shortened to the company that we know today, Toshiba. 1875 The company American Telephone and Telegraph Company that later became AT&T is founded. 1876 Scottish-Canadian-American Alexander Graham Bell is often credited as inventing the telephone makes the first call March 10, 1876. 1877 Alexander Bain passes away January 2, 1877. 1877 The microphone is invented in the United States by Emile Berliner. 1877 Thomas Edison invents and announces on November 21, 1877 the first phonograph capable of recording and replaying sounds. 1878 Eadweard Muybridge’s “The Horse In Motion” becomes the first motion picture. 1879 Albert Einstein is born March 14, 1879. 1879 Thomas Edison demos incandescent electric light bulb that lasts 13 1/2 hours October 21, 1879. 1879 James Jacob Ritty patents the worlds first cash register November 4, 1879. 1879 President Rutherford B. Hayes becomes the first president with a phone in the White House and gets the phone number “1.” 1880 ASME is founded. 1881 Emanuel Goldberg is born on August 31, 1881. 1882 The first commercial electric power station becomes operation September 4, 1882. 1882 Fredrik Bull is born December 25, 1882. 1883 Edith Clarke is born February 10, 1883. 1883 American Thomas Edison discovers the Edison effect, where an electric current flows through a vacuum. 1884 Izrael Staffel passes away in 1884. 1885 American Telegraph and Telephone company (AT&T) is incorporated March 3,1885. 1886 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz proves that electricity is transmitted at the speed of light. 1888 Clair Lake is born in 1888. 1888 National Geographic Society is established on January 27, 1888. 1888 Nikola Tesla patents the rotating field motor May 1, 1888 and later sells the rights to George Westinghouse. This invention helps create and transmit AC power and today is still a method for generating and distributing AC power. 1888 William S. Burroughs patents a printing adding machine. 1888 Eastman Kodak is founded. 1888 John Loud gets patent for the ballpoint pen October 30, 1888. 1888 Friedrich Reintzer discovers liquid crystal. 1890 Christopher Sholes passes away February 17, 1890. 1891 Phillips is founded. 1895 Wilhelm Röntgen discovers X-rays November 8, 1895. 1896 Herman Hollerith starts the Tabulating Machine Company, the company later becomes the well-known computer company IBM (International Business machines). 1897 Emil Post is born February 11, 1897. 1897 German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun invents the Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope. 1897 Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscope, a motion picture viewer on August 31, 1897. 1898 Alcatel is founded. 1898 Nikola Tesla invents the remote control November 8, 1898. 1890 Vannevar Bush is born March 11, 1890. 1890 Herman Hollerith developed a method for machines to to record and store information onto punch cards to be used for the US census. He later formed the company we know as IBM today. 1891 Giovanni Caselli passes away June 8, 1891. 1899 AT&T acquires assets of American Bell, and becomes the parent company of Bell System. 1899 On September 13, 1899 Henry Bliss becomes the first North American pedestrian to be killed by an automobile. 1899 William D. Middlebrook patents the paper clip on November 9, 1899.

Computer History – 1900 – 1940

1900Howard H. Aiken is born March 8, 1900.
1900Nikola Tesla develops frequency hopping, now known as spread spectrum.
1901The first radio message is sent across the Atlantic Ocean in Morse code.
1901Arthur Samuel is born in 1901.
1901Elisha Gray passes away on January 21, 1901 (age 66)
1901Hubert Cecil Booth receives a patent for the first powered vacuum cleaner August 30, 1901.
1902Walter Brattain is born February 10, 1902.
19023M is founded.
1903Nikola Tesla patents electrical logic circuits called “gates” or “switches”.
1903Wilbur and Orville Wright both take the first flight December 17, 1903.
1903John von Neumann is born December 28, 1903.
1903John Vincent Atanasoff is born October 4, 1903.
1904John Ambrose Fleming experiments with Edison’s diode vacuum tubes and creates the first commercial diode vacuum tube.
1905Derrick Lehmer is born February 23, 1905.
1906The IEC is founded in London England.
1906Arnold I. Dumey is born in 1906.
1906Reynold Johnson is born July 16, 1906.
1906Philo Farnsworth is born August 19, 1906.
1906Grace Hopper is born December 9, 1906.
1907Lee De Frost files patent #879,532 on Jan 29, 1907 for the vacuum tube triode. This is later used as an electronic switch in the first electronic computer.
1907IBM files for its first U.S. patent, #998,631 October 11, 1907.
1908John Bardeen is born May 23, 1908.
1908The film “A Visit To The Seaside” becomes the first film commercially produced in natural color in December of 1908.
1909Edmund Berkeley is born February 22, 1909.
1909Geoffrey Dummer is born February 25, 1909.
1909Antoni Kilinski is born October 20, 1909.
1910William Shockley is born February 13, 1910.
1910Konrad Zuse is born June 22, 1910.
1910Henry Babbage, Charles Babbage‘s youngest son completes a portion of the Analytical Engine and was able to perform basic calculations.
1911Alexey Andreevich Lyapunov is born in 1911.
1911Cuthbert Hurd is born April 5, 1911.
1911Company now known as IBM on is founded June 16, 1911 in the state of New York as the Computing – Tabulating – Recording Company (C-T-R), a consolidation of the Computing Scale Company, and The International Time Recording Company.
1911Frederic Williams is born June 26, 1911.
1911IBM is granted its first patent #998,631 July 25, 1911.
1911Allen Coombs is born October 23, 1911.
1912Alan Turing is born June 23, 1912.
1912David Packard is born September 7, 1912.
1912G. N. Lewis begins work on the lithium battery.
1913William Hewlett is born May 20, 1913.
1913Maurice Wilkes is born June 26, 1913.
1914Cyril Cleverdon is born September 9, 1914.
1914George Dantzig is born November 8, 1914.
1915The first telephone call is made across the continent.
1915Borje Langefors is born May 21, 1915.
1915Arthur Walter Burks is born October 13, 1915.
1916Herbert Simon is born June 15, 1916.
1916Claude Shannon is born April 30, 1916.
1916Christopher Strachey is born November 16, 1916.
1917On September 9, 1917 one of the earliest records of OMG (Oh! My God!) is used by British Admiral John Arbuthnot Fisher when writing to Winston Churchill in a 1917 correspondence.
1917Arthur C. Clark is born December 16, 1917.
1918Alexander L’vovich Brudno is born January 10, 1918.
1918Andrew Booth is born February 11, 1918.
1918Panasonic is founded March 18, 1918.
1918William Eccles and F.W. Jordan build the world’s first flip-flop.
1918Bashir Rameyev is born May 1, 1918.
1918Jay Forrester is born July 14, 1918.
1919Nathan Rochester is born January 14, 1919.
1919Andrew F. Kay is born March 22, 1919.
1919John Adam Presper “Pres” Eckert, Jr. is born April 9, 1919.
1919Olympus is established on October 12, 1919 by Takeshi Yamashita.
1920An Wang is born February 7, 1920.
1920Bob Bemer is born February 8, 1920.
1920First radio broadcasting begins in United States, Pittsburgh, PA.
1921Alexander (Sandy) Shafto Douglas is born May 21, 1921.
1921Forrest Parry is born July 4, 1921.
1921Czech playwright Karel Capek coins the term “robot” in the 1921 play RUR (Rossum’s Universal Robots).
1921The first Radio Shack store is open.
1922MPAA is established.
1922Charles Hamblin is born in 1922.
1922Georgy Adelson-Velsky is born January 8, 1922.
1922Alan Perlis is born April 1, 1922.
1922Keith Uncapher is born April 1, 1922.
1922Alexander Graham Bell passes away August 2, 1922 (age 75)
1923Corrado Böhm is born in 1923.
1923Eugene Kleiner is born May 12, 1923.
1923Edgar Codd is born August 23, 1923.
1923Jack St. Clair Kilby, Nobel Prize winner and inventor of the Integrated Circuit, handheld calculator, and thermal printer is born November 8, 1923.
1923Donald Michie is born November 11, 1923.
1924The Computing – Tabulating – Recording (C-T-R) company is renamed to IBM on February 14, 1924.
1924David Evans is born February 24, 1924.
1924Enid Mumford is born March 6, 1924.
1924Donald Davies is born June 7, 1924.
1924CATV and cable broadcasting begins being used in some European cities.
1924Friedrich Bauer is born June 10, 1924.
1924John Backus is born December 3, 1924.
1924Charles Bachman is born December 11, 1924.
1924Jean Bartik is born December 27, 1924.
1925Douglas Engelbart is born January 30, 1925.
1925Fredrik Bull passes away June 7, 1925 (Age: 43)
1925David Huffman is born August 9, 1925.
1925Seymour Cray is born September 28, 1925.
1926John Kemeny is born May 31, 1926.
1926Fernando Corbató is born July 1, 1926.
1926Carl Petri is born July 12, 1926.
1926The first patent for the semiconductor transistor is created.
1926Arthur Rock is born August 19, 1926.
1927David Wheeler is born February 9, 1927.
1927Allen Newell is born March 19, 1927.
1927Dudley Buck is born April 25, 1927.
1927Theodore Maiman is born July 11, 1927.
1927Marvin Minsky is born August 9, 1927.
1927Bob Evans is born August 19, 1927.
1927John McCarthy is born September 4, 1927.
1927Philo Taylor Farnsworth becomes the first person to successfully transmit a TV signal on September 7, 1927.
1927Robert Noyce is born December 12, 1927.
1928Thomas Kurtz is born February 22, 1928.
1928The Galvin Manufacturing Corporation begins on September 25, 1928, the company will later be known as Motorola.
1928Bernard Galler is born October 3, 1928.
1928Noam Chomsky is born December 7, 1928
1928Jack Tramiel is born December 13, 1928
1928Martin Cooper is born December 26, 1928.
1929Gordon Moore is born January 3, 1929.
1929Herman Hollerith passes away November 17, 1929.
1929Douglas Ross is born December 21, 1929.
1930Einar Stefferud is born January 11, 1930.
1930Edsger Dijkstra is born May 11, 1930.
1930Daniel McCracken is born July 23, 1930.
1930Galvin Manufacturing Corporation Auto radios begin to be sold as an accessory for the automobile. Paul Galvin coins the name Motorola for the company’s new products, linking the ideas of motion and radio.
1930Dorr Felt passes away August 7, 1930.
1930Alan F. Shugart is born September 27, 1930.
1930Citizen is founded.
1931Fletcher Jones is born January 22, 1931.
1931Eiichi Goto is born January 26, 1931.
1931Anthony (Tony) Edgar Sale is born January 30, 1931.
1931Andrei Ershov is born April 19, 1931.
1931Frederick Brooks is born April 19, 1931.
1931Thomas Edison passes away October 18, 1931.
1932Jay Glenn Miner is born May 31, 1932.
1932Frances Allen is born August 4, 1932.
1932ROM-type storage media is introduced.
1932Robert H. Dennard is born September 5, 1932.
1932Dana Scott is born October 11, 1932.
1933Canon is established.
1933Boris Babayan is born December 20, 1933.
1934Edward Fredkin is born January 1, 1934.
1934Charles Hoare is born January 11, 1934
1934Charles Flint passes away February 26, 1934.
1934Robert Moog is born May 23, 1934.
1934Leonard Kleinrock is born June 13, 1934.
1934Gordon Bell is born August 19, 1934.
1934The FCC is established.
1934The US Communication Act goes into place.
1934Carl Sagen is born November 9, 1934.
1935Barry Boehm is born in 1935.
1935The Polygraph machine aka lie detector is used for the first time.
1935Roger Needham is born February 9, 1935.
1935Charles Molnar is born March 14, 1935.
1936Edward Feigenbaum is born January 20, 1936.
1936Germanys Konrad Zuse creates the Z1, one of the first binary digital computers and a machine that could be controlled through a punch tape.
1936While working on a radio, Paul Eisler invents the Printed Circuit Board (PCB).
1936Abraham Lempel is born February 10, 1936.
1936Dvorak receives a patent for the Dvorak keyboard May 12, 1936.
1936Henry F. Phillips receives patent for the Phillips screw and screwdriver July 7, 1936.
1936Andrew Grove is born September 2, 1936.
1936Jerry Sanders is born September 12, 1936.
1936Alan Turing develops the Turing Machine.
1937Charles Peddle is born in 1937.
1937Iowa State Colleges John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry begin work on creating the binary-based ABC (Atanasoft-Berry Computer). Considered by most to be the first electronic digital computer.
1937Dabbala Reddy is born June 13, 1937.
1937Alec Reeves develops PCM.
1937Ted Nelson, who coined the term HTTP is born in 1937.
1937Marcian Hoff is born October 28, 1937.
1938Charles Moore is born in 1938.
1938Gary Starkweather is born in 1938.
1938Donald Knuth is born January 10, 1938.
1938Lynn Conway is born January 10, 1938.
1938The company now known as Hewlett Packard creates its first product the HP 200A.
1938Chester Carlson produces first electrophotographic image October 22, 1938, which later becomes the Xerox machine.
1938Orson Welles and Houseman broadcast H.G. Welles War of the Worlds on the airways October 30th as a Halloween spoof.
1938BBC creates the first science fiction television program.
1938Bob Kahn is born December 23, 1938.
1939Adam Osborne is born March 6, 1939.
1939John Scully is born April 6, 1939.
1939George Stibitz completes the Complex Number Calculator capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing complex numbers. This device provides a foundation for digital computers.
1939The first Radio Shack catalog is published.
1939Craig Barrett is born August 29, 1939
1939Charles Geschke is born September 11, 1939.
1939Iowa State Colleges John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry create a prototype of the binary-based ABC (Atanasoft-Berry Computer).
1939Hewlett Packard is found by William Hewlett and David Packard. The name is decided on the flip of a coin toss.
1939Barbara Liskov is born November 7, 1939.

Computer history – 1940 – 1960

1940The first handheld two-way radio called the “Handy Talkie” is created by Motorola for the U.S. Army Signal Control.
1940Alan Kay is born May 17, 1940.
1940Clive Sinclair is born July 3, 1940
1940John Warnock is born October 6, 1940.
1941David Parnas is born February 10, 1941.
1941Amir Pnueli is born April 22, 1941.
1941August-Wilhelm Scheer is born July 27, 1941.
1941German Konrad Zuse finishes the Z3, a fully program-operational calculating machine. The computer is publically introduced in Berlin May 12, 1941.
1941Dennis Ritchie is born September 9, 1941.
1941Henry Edward Roberts is born September 13, 1941.
1941Chester Carlson gets patent for electric photography more commonly known today as photocopying October 6, 1941.
1941Alan Kotok is born November 9, 1941.
1941Federico Faggin is born December 1, 1941.
1942Brian Kernighan is born in 1942.
1942Edward Tufte is born in 1942.
1942Steven Hawking is born January 8, 1942.
1942Armas Markkula is born February 11, 1942.
1942David Cutler is born March 13, 1942.
1942Gary Kildall is born May 19, 1942.
1942Enrico Fermi designs and creates the world’s first Nuclear Reactor December 2, 1942.
1943John Draper is born in 1943.
1943Nikola Tesla passes away January 7, 1943.
1943Charles Thacker is born February 26, 1943.
1943David S. Morse is born April 15, 1943.
1943Vint Cerf is born June 23, 1943.
1943The Colossus, the first eclectic programmable computer developed by Tommy Flowers is first demonstrated in December 1943.
1943Butler Lampson is born December 23, 1943.
1943ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first general-purpose electronic digital calculator begins to be constructed. This computer by most is considered to be the first electronic computer.
1943Dan Noble with Motorola designs a “Walkie Talkie” the first portable FM two-way radio that a backpack version that weighed 35 pounds.
1944Donald Chamberlin is born in 1944.
1944Andrew Tanenbaum is born March 16, 1944.
1944David Clark is born April 7, 1944.
1944Edward Yourdon is born April 30, 1944.
1944Bailey Diffie is born June 5, 1944.
1944The Harvard Mark I computer is officially presented at Harvard University on August 7, 1944. The relay-based Harvard-IBM MARK I a large programmable-controlled calculating machine provides vital calculations for the U.S. Navy. Grace Hopper becomes its programmer.
1944Larry Ellison is born August 17, 1944.
1944The first binary, and partially programmable computer, Colossus, was created at Bletchley Park.
1944Steve Crocker is born October 15, 1944.
1944Abhay Bhushan is born November 23, 1944.
1945Lee Felsenstein is born in 1945.
1945Patent is filed for the Harvard Mark I digital computer on February 8, 1945.
1945John Ambrose Fleming passes away April 18, 1945.
1945Adele Goldberg is born July 7, 1945.
1945Edmund Clarke is born July 27, 1945.
1945The Von Neumann Architecture and a description of a general purpose electronic digital computer with a stored programs is introduced in John von Neumann’s report of the EDVAC.
1945The term bug as computer bug was termed by Grace Hopper when programming the MARK II.
1945The first ballpoint pen goes on sale in New York for $12.50 on October 30, 1945.
1946Freddie Williams applies for a patent on his cathode-ray tube (CRT) storing device in December. The device that later became known as the Williams tube is capable of storing between 512 and 1024 bits of data.
1946Konrad Zuse writes the first algorithmic programming language called ‘Plankalkül’.
1946ENIAC computer completed.
1946Brooklyn New York’s Flatbush National Bank becomes the first bank to issue a credit card in 1946.
1946Robert Metcalfe is born April 7, 1946.
1946The Selectron tube capable of storing 256 bits of information begins development.
1946Andrew Chi-Chih Yao is born December 24, 1946.
19471947 Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. file patent #2,455,992 describing one of the first computer games played on a CRT January 25, 1947.
1947Robert Cailliau is born January 26, 1947.
1947Freddie Williams memory system known as the Williams tube is now in working order.
1947Kenneth Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO sighting on June 24, 1947.
1947Ben Shneiderman is born August 21, 1947.
1947Edward Shortliffe is born August 28, 1947.
1947Jay Forrester extends the life of a vacuum tube from 500 to 500,000 hours.
1947ISO is founded.
1947The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is established September 18, 1947.
1947David Patterson is born November 16, 1947.
1947John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley invent the first transistor at the Bell Laboratories on December 23, 1947.
1948IBM builds the SSEC (Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator). The computer contains 12,000 tubes.
1948John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley patent the first transistor.
1948Andrew Donald Booth creates magnetic drum memory, which is two inches long and two inches wide and capable of holding 10 bits per inch.
1948William Gibson is born March 17, 1948.
1948Scott Fahlman is born March 21, 1948.
1948The 604 multiplying punch, based upon the vacuum tube technology, is produced by IBM.
1948Carol Bartz is born August 29, 1948.
1948Charles Simonyi is born in September 10, 1948
1948The television begins to divert radio audiences.
1949David Bradley is born in 1949.
1949Claude Shannon builds the first machine that plays chess at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1949The concept of a computer program capable of reproducing itself was first mentioned by John von Neumann in his 1949 “Theory of self-reproducing automata” essay.
1949The Harvard-MARK III, the first of the MARK machines to use an internally stored program and indirect addressing, goes into operations again under the direction of Howard Aiken.
1949The first computer company, Electronic Controls Company is founded by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the same individuals who helped create the ENIAC computer.
1949The EDSAC performs its first calculation on May 6, 1949.
1949Alain Glavieux is born July 4, 1949.
1949John Chambers is born August 23, 1949.
1949Popular Mechanics predicts: “Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons.”
1949The small-scale electronic machine (SSEM) is fully operational at Manchester University.
1949The Australian computer CSIRAC is first ran.
1950Bertrand Meyer is born in 1950.
1950Dave Boggs is born in 1950.
1950Douglas Lenat is born in 1950.
1950The United States Government receives the UNIVAC 1101 or ERA 1101 in 1950. This computer is considered to be the first computer that was capable of storing and running a program from memory.
1950The first electronic computer is created in Japan by Hideo Yamachito.
1950Konrad Zuse completes and sells the Z4 on July 12, 1950, becoming the first commercial computer.
1950Steve Wozniak is born August 11, 1950.
1950Alan Turing publishes his paper Computing Machinery and Intelligence in October. This paper helps create the Turing Test.
1950The NICAD battery begins its commercial use.
1950Mitchell Kapor is born November 1, 1950.
1950Bjarne Stroustrup is born December 30, 1950.
1951Radia Perlman is born in 1951.
1951The first business computer, the Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) is completed by T. Raymond Thompson, John Simmons and their team at Lyons Co.
1951The first commercial computer, the “First Ferranti MARK I” is now functional at Manchester University.
1951The first ISO is published with the title, “Standard reference temperature for industrial length measurement.”
1951UNIVAC I was introduced.
1951The EDVAC begins performing basic tasks.
1951Dean Kamen is born April 5, 1951.
1951Jay Forrester applies for a patent for magnetic core memory, the first random access memory (RAM) May 11, 1951.
1951The Nixie tube is first introduced.
1951Grace Hopper develops A-0, the first Arithmetic language.
1951Dan Bricklin is born July 16, 1951.
1951Bill Atkinson is born in 1951.
1952Fred Baker is born in 1952.
1952Complaint is filed against IBM for Monopolistic practices on January 1952.
1952Alan Cooper is born June 3, 1952.
1952Adi Shamir is born July 6, 1952.
1952Geoffrey Dummer a British radar engineer introduces the concept of the integrated circuit at a tech conference in the United States.
1952Fairly reliable working magnetic drum memories for use in computers begin to be sold by Andrew Donald Booth and his father.
1952RIAA is established.
1952The first ASR device was used to recognize single digits spoken by a user (it was not computer driven).
1952Alexander Sandy Douglas created the first graphical computer game of Tic-Tac-Toe on an EDSAC known as “OXO.”
1952The National Security Agency (NSA) is formed November 4, 1952.
1952Craig Newmark is born December 6, 1952
1953David Deutsch is born in 1953.
1953James Martin is born in 1953.
1953IBM introduces the 701 to the public April 7, 1953. The 701 is IBM’s first electric computer and first mass produced computer.
1953The UNIVAC predicts the presidential election during a televised news broadcast.
1953A magnetic memory smaller and faster than existing vacuum tube memories is built at MIT.
1953Paul Allen is born January 21, 1953.
1953Craig Reynolds is born March 15, 1953.
1953Richard Stallman is born March 16, 1953.
1953Andy Hertzfeld is born April 6, 1953.
1953The IBM 701 becomes available to the scientific community. A total of 19 are produced and sold.
1953Florian Brody is born October 31, 1953.
1953The Colgate Comedy Hour on N.B.C. becomes the first TV show to broadcast in color on November 22, 1953.
1954IBM produces and markets the IBM 650. More than 1,800 of these computers are sold in an eight-year span, with 120 installations in the first year.
1954Daniel Kottke is born April 4, 1954.
1954Tim O’Reilly is born June 6, 1954.
1954Alan Turing passes away June 7, 1954.
1954The USSR’s Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant opens June 27, 1954 and becomes the first Nuclear power plant to generate electricity.
1954The first version of FORTRAN (formula translator) is published by IBM.
1954Texas Instruments announces the start of commercial production of silicon transistors.
1954IBM becomes the first company to translate Russian into English using a computer.
1954Larry Wall is born September 27, 1954.
1954CERN is established on September 29, 1954.
1954IBM introduces its first calculating machine that uses solid-state transistors instead of vacuum tubes October 7, 1954.
1954The first commercially produced transistor radio, the Regency TR-1 is announced October 18, 1954.
1954Ken Williams is born October 30, 1954,
1954William Joy is born November 8, 1954.
1955Steve Jobs is born February 24, 1955.
1955Grady Booch is born February 27, 1955.
1955MIT introduces the Whirlwind machine March 8, 1955, a revolutionary computer that was the first digital computer with magnetic core RAM and real-time graphics.
1955Tom Watson, IBM’s president is featured on the front of Time Magazine March 28, 1955.
1955Albert Einstein passes away on April 18, 1955.
1955Eric Schmidt is born April 27, 1955.
1955John McCarthy coins the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) in 1955 at Dartmouth University.
1955Dartmouth Colleges John McCarthy coins the term “artificial intelligence.”
1955Dave Winer is born May 2, 1955.
1955Tim Bernes-Lee is born June 8, 1955.
1955Donna Dubinsky is born July 4, 1955.
1955Andreas (Andy) von Bechtolsheim is born September 30, 1955.
1955William (Bill) H. Gates is born October 28, 1955.
1955IBM introduces the first IBM 702.
1955Bell Labs introduces its first transistor computer. Transistors are faster, smaller and create less heat than traditional vacuum tubs, making these computers more reliable and efficient.
1955The ENIAC is turned off for the last time. Its estimated to have done more arithmetic than the entire human race had done prior to 1945.
1956John von Neumann is presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Dwight Eisenhower on February 15, 1956.
1956Alexey Leonidovich Pajitnov is born on March 14, 1956.
1956Steve Ballmer is born March 24, 1956.
1956The TX-O (Transistorized Experimental computer) and first transistorized computer is demonstrated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1956Tim Paterson is born June 1, 1956.
1956Thomas Watson passes away June 19, 1956.
1956Dr. Robert Adler of Zenith invents the first cordless TV remote control in 1956.
1956John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley are awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for their work on the transistor.
1956On September 13, 1956 the IBM 305 RAMAC is the first computer to be shipped with a hard drive that contained 50 24-inch platters and was capable of storing 5 million characters and weighed a ton.
1956Wen Tsing Chow develops PROM.
1956The programming language FORTRAN is introduced to the public October 15, 1956.
1956Leo Laporte is born November 29, 1956.
1957Carl Sassenrath is born in 1957.
1957IBM announces it will no longer be using vacuum tubes and releases its first computer that had 2000 transistors.
1957Fred Cohen is born in 1957.
1957Barry Leiba is born in 1957.
1957John von Neumann passes away February 8, 1957 (age of 53)
1957Mark Dean is born March 2, 1957.
1957Emil Post passes away on April 21, 1954 (age 57)
1957Jeff Hawkins is born June 1, 1957.
1957Bruce Eckel is born July 8, 1957.
1957Fairchild Semiconductor is founded by Andy Grove, Eugene Kleiner, Gordon Moore, Jerry Sanders, Robert Noyce.
1957Digital Equipment Corporation is founded by Kenneth Olsen. The company will later become a major network computer manufacturer.
1957Russia launches the first artificial satellite, named Sputnik on October 4, 1957.
1957In response to Sputnik the United States creates the new agency ARPA.
1957Casio is established.
1957Eric Raymond is born December 4, 1957.
1958Shafi Goldwasser is born in 1958.
1958Clair Lake passes away in 1958.
1958The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is renamed to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
1958Control Data Corporation introduces Seymour Cray’s 1604 for $1.5 Million, half the cost of the IBM computer.
1958NEC builds its first computer the NEAC 1101.
1958William Higinbotham created the first video game called: Tennis for Two.
1958The programming language FORTRAN II is created. Later FORTRAN III is created but never released to the public.
1958President Eisenhowers Christmas address is the first voice transmission from a satellite.
1958Steve Case is born August 21, 1958.
1958The first integrated circuit is first developed by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor and Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. The first IC was demonstrated on September 12, 1958.
1959Feng-hsiung Hsu is born in 1959.
1959Danese Cooper is born January 19, 1959.
1959Hitachi is founded.
1959The Harvard-MARK I is turned off for the last time.
1959Dudley Buck passes away May 21, 1959 (Age: 32).
1959Robert Noyce creates an integrated circuit with component connections made of aluminum lines on silicon.
1959The Luna 2 becomes the first human made object to land on the moon on September 14, 1959.
1959Edith Clarke passes away on October 29, 1959 (age 76)
1959Leonard Kleinrock starts to developing packetization.
1959Motorola produces the two-way, fully transistorized mobile radio.
1959Panasonic is founded.
1959David Culler is born November 12, 1959.

Computer History 1960 – 1980

19602,000 computers are in use in the United states.
1960IBM develops the first automatic mass-production facility for transistors in New York.
1960Will Wright is born January 20, 1960.
1960IBMs 1400 series machines, aimed at the business market begin to be distributed.
1960The first integrated circuits (IC’s) begin being sold for $120.00 and are chosen to be used on the Gemini spacecraft.
1960The Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) programming language is invented.
1960Psychologist Frank Rosenblatt creates the Mark I Perception, which has an “eye” that can learn to identify its ABCs.
1960NASA launches TIROS, the first weather satellite into space.
1960Bob Bemer introduced the backslash.
1960Physicist Theodore Maiman creates the first laser May 16, 1960.
1960AT&T introduces the dataphone and the first known MODEM.
1960RS-232 is introduced by EIA.
1960IFIP is founded.
1960Digital introduces the PDP-1 the first minicomputer.
1960Tim Cook is born November 1, 1960.
1960Anders Hejlsberg is born in December of 1960.
1961Brendan Eich is born in 1961.
1961Hewlett-Packard stock is accepted by the New York Stock Exchange for national and international trading.
1961Ed Colligan is born March 4, 1961.
1961Leonard Kleinrock publishes his first paper entitled “Information Flow in Large Communication Nets” is published May 31, 1961.
1961Fairchild Semiconductor introduces the first commercially available integrated circuits (IC’s).
1961The first IBM Selectric typewriter is released July 27, 1961.
1961General Motors puts the first industrial robot the 4,000 pound Unimate to work in a New Jersey factory.
1961Accredited Standards Committee is founded, this committee later becomes the INCITS.
1961P.Z. Ingerman develops a thunk.
1961ECMA is established.
1961The first transcontinental telegraph line began operation October 24, 1961.
1961The programming language FORTRAN IV is created.
1962Steve Russell creates “SpaceWar!” and releases it in February 1962. This game is considered the first game intended for computers.
1962Philippe Kahn is born March 16, 1962.
1962Leonard Kleinrock releases his paper talking about packetization.
1962AT&T places first commercial communications Satellite, the Telstar I into orbit.
1962Paul Baran suggests transmission of data using fixed size message blocks.
1962J.C.R. Licklider becomes the first Director of IPTO and gives his vision of a galactic network.
1962Philips invents the compact audio cassette tape.
1962The NASA rocket, the Mariner II, is equipped with a Motorola transmitter on it’s trip to Venus.
1962Sharp is founded.
1963IEEE is founded.
1963The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is developed to standardize data exchange among computers.
1963Kevin Mitnick is born August 6, 1963.
1963Bell Telephone introduces the push button telephone November 18, 1963.
1963On December 7, 1963 during a Army-Navy football game on CBS the first instant replay is shown on TV.
1964Jeff Bezos is born January 12, 1964.
1964Dartmouth Universitys John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz develop Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Language (BASIC) and run it for the first time May 1, 1964.
1964Baran publishes reports “On Distributed Communications.”
1964AT&T starts the practice of monitoring telephone calls in the hopes of identifying phreakers.
1964The TRANSIT system becomes operational on U.S. Polaris submarines. This system later becomes known as GPS.
1964On April 7, 1964 IBM introduces its System/360, the first of its computers to use interchangeable software and peripheral equipment.
1964Leonard Kleinrock publishes his first book on packet nets entitled Communication Nets: Stochastic Message Flow and Design.
1964The first computerized encyclopedia is invented at the Systems Development Corporation.
1964Marc Benioff is born September 25, 1964.
1964Eric Bina is born in October 1964.
1964Tsutomu Shimomura is born October 23, 1964.
1964Alan Emtage is born November 27, 1964.
1965Robert Scoble is born January 18, 1965.
1965Ted Nelson coins the term “hypertext,” which refers to text that is not necessarily linear.
1965Hypermedia is coined by Ted Nelson.
1965Digital Equipment Company’s first successful minicomputer, the PDP-8 is introduced. The computer sold for $18,000 and over 50,000 are sold.
1965Donald Davies coins the word “Packet.”
1965Engineers at TRW Corporation develop a Generalized Information Retrieval Language and System that later develops to the Pick Database Management System used today on Unix and Windows systems.
1965Michael Dell is born February 23, 1965.
1965Millions watch for the first time a space probe crashing into the moon on March 24, 1965.
1965Texas Instruments develops the transistor-transistor logic (TTL).
1965Lawrence G. Roberts with MIT performs the first long distant dial-up connection between a TX-2 computer n Massachusetts and a Q-32 in California.
1965Gordon Moore makes an observation in a April 19, 1965 paper that later becomes widely known as Moore’s Law.
1965Robert Tappan Morris is born November 8, 1965.
1966MITs Joseph Weizenbaum writes a program called Eliza, that makes the computer act as a psychotherapist.
1966Lawrence G. Roberts and Tom Marill publish a paper about their earlier success at connecting over dial-up.
1966David Filo is born April 20, 1966.
1966Stephen Gray establishes the first personal computer club, the Amateur Computer Society.
1966Robert Taylor joins ARPA and brings Larry Roberts there to develop ARPANET.
1966The programming language BCPL is created.
1966The original Star Trek is shown for the first time on United States NBC September 8, 1966.
1967IBM creates the first floppy disk.
1967The first CES is held in New York from the July 24 to 28, 1967.
1967Donald Davies creates 1-node NPL packet net.
1967Wes Clark suggests use of a minicomputer for network packet switch.
1967The LOGO programming language is developed and is later known as “turtle graphics,” a simplified interface useful for teaching children computers.
1967Donald Davies creates 1-node NPL packet net.
1967Ralph Baer creates “Chase”, the first video game that was capable of being played on a television.
1967HES is developed at the Brown University.
1967Nokia is formed.
1967GPS becomes available for commercial use.
1967ISACA is established.
1968Intel Corporation is founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore.
1968Hewlett Packard began marketing the first mass-marketed PC, the HP 9100A.
1968The first Network Working Group (NWG) meeting is held.
1968Bob Propst invents the office cubicle.
1968Larry Roberts publishes ARPANET program plan on June 3, 1968.
1968On June 4, 1968 Dr. Robert Dennard at the IBM T.J. Watson Research center is granted U.S. patent 3,387,286 describing a one-transistor DRAM cell.
1968First RFP for a network goes out.
1968Alan Cox is born July 22, 1968.
1968UCLA is selected to be the first node on the Internet as we know it today and serve as the Network Msmnt Center.
1968The movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” is released.
1968SHRDLU is created.
1968Seiko markets a miniature printer for use with calculators.
1968Sony invents Trinitron.
1968Jerry Yang is born November 6, 1968.
1968Douglas Engelbart publicly demonstrates Hypertext on the NLS on December 9, 1968.
1969Control Data Corporation led by Seymour Cray, release the CDC 7600, considered by most to be the first supercomputer.
1969AT&T Bell Laboratories develop Unix.
1969The first totally artificial heart is placed into Haskell Carp on April 4, 1969 for 64 hours until a donor heart became available.
1969Steve Crocker releases RFC #1 on April 7, 1979 introducing the Host-to-Host and talking about the IMP software.
1969Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is founded on May 1, 1969.
1969Adrian Carmack is born May 5, 1969.
1969Gary Starkweather, while working with Xerox invents the laser printer.
1969UCLA puts out a press release introducing the public to the Internet on July 3, 1969.
1969At 4:17 Eastern Time the Apollo 11 space craft lands on the moon and Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to walk on the moon.
1969Intel sells its first commercial product, the 3101 Schottky bipolar 64-bit SRAM chip.
1969Ralph Baer files for a US Patent on August 21, 1969 that describes playing games on a television and would later be a part of the Magnavox Odyssey.
1969On August 29, 1969 the first network switch and the first piece of network equipment (called “IMP”, which is short for Interface Message Processor) is sent to UCLA.
1969The first U.S. bank ATM went into service at 9:00am on September 2, 1969.
1969On September 2, 1969 the first data moves from UCLA host to the IMP switch.
1969Charley Kline a UCLA student tries to send “login”, the first message over ARPANET at 10:30 p.m on October 29, 1969. The system transmitted “l” and then “o” but then crashed making today the first day a message was sent over the Internet and the first network crash.
1969CompuServe, the first commercial online service, is established.
1969Linus Torvalds is born December 28, 1969.
1970Western Digital is founded.
1970Steve Crocker and UCLA team releases NCP.
1970Intel announces the 1103, a new DRAM memory chip containing more than 1,000 bits of information. This chip is classified as random-access memory (RAM).
1970The Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) is established to perform basic computing and electronic research.
1970The Forth programming language is created by Charles H. Moore.
1970Henry Edward Roberts establishes Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) in 1970.
1970U.S. Department of Defense develops ada a computer programming language capable of designing missile guidance systems.
1970The Sealed Lead Acid battery begins being used for commercial use.
1970Jack Kilby is awarded the National Medal of Science.
1970Patrick Norton is born June 26, 1970.
1970Tom Merritt is born June 28, 1970.
1970Philips introduces the VCR.
1970Centronics introduces the first dot matrix printer.
1970Emanuel Goldberg passes away on September 13, 1970 (age 89)
1970Tom Anderson is born on November 8, 1970.
1970Douglas Engelbart gets a patent for the first computer mouse on November 17, 1970.
1970IBM introduces the System/370, which included the use of Virtual Memory and utilized memory chips instead of magnetic core technology.
1971Philo Farnsworth passes away.
1971The first 8″ floppy diskette drive was introduced.
1971Ray Tomlinson sends the first e-mail, the first messaging system to send messages across a network to other users.
1971The computer gets a voice, as the first computer is demonstrated with a synthesized voice.
1971Bob Bemer publishes world’s first warning on Year 2000 problem in 1971.
1971The first laser printer is developed at Xerox PARC.
1971FTP is first purposed April 16, 2012 by Abhay Bhushan of MIT in RFC 114.
1971IBM introduces its first speech recognition program capable of recognizing about 5,000 words.
1971Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney create the first arcade game called “Computer Space.”
1971SMC is founded.
1971Marc Andreessen is born July 9, 1971.
1971Steve Wozniak and Bill Fernandez develop a computer called the Cream Soda Computer.
1971Schadt and Helfrich develop twisted nematic.
1971Niklaus Wirth invents the Pascal programming language.
1971Intel with the help of Ted Hoff introduces the first microprocessor, the Intel 4004 on November 15, 1971. The 4004 had 2,300 transistors, performed 60,000 operations per second (OPS), addressed 640 bytes of memory, and cost $200.00.
1971First edition of Unix released November 03, 1971. The first edition of the “Unix PROGRAMMER’S MANUAL [by] K. Thompson [and] D. M. Ritchie.” It includes over 60 commands like: b (compile B program); boot (reboot system); cat (concatenate files); chdir (change working directory); chmod (change access mode); chown (change owner); cp (copy file); ls (list directory contents); mv (move or rename file); roff (run off text); wc (get word count); who (who is one the system). The main thing missing was pipes.
1972Erik Selberg is born in 1972.
1972Evan Williams is born March 31, 1972.
1972Intel introduces the 8008 processor on April 1, 1972.
1972The first video game console called the Magnavox Odyssey is demonstrated May 24, 1972 and later released by Magnavox and sold for $100.00 USD.
1972ARPA is renamed to DARPA.
1972The programming language FORTRAN 66 is created.
1972Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs invents the C programming language.
1972Edsger Dijkstra is awarded the ACM Turning Award.
1972The compact disc is invented in the United States.
1972Cray Research Inc. is founded.
1972Atari releases Pong, the first commercial video game on November 29, 1972.
1972First public demo of ARPANET.
1972Whetstone is first released in November 1972.
1972Fletcher Jones passes away November 7, 1972 (Age: 41)
1972Norm Abramson’ Alohanet connected to ARPANET: packet radio nets.
1973The architecture used with the CP/M operating system becomes the standard for the next eight years until MS-DOS is introduced.
1973Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn design TCP during 1973 and later publish it with the help of Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine in December of 1974 in RFC 675.
1973Howard H. Aiken passes away march 14, 1973.
1973Larry page is born March 26, 1973.
1973ARPA deploys SATNET the first international connection.
1973Alexey Andreevich Lyapunov passes away in 1973.
1973Dr. Martin Cooper makes the first handheld cellular phone call to Dr. Joel S. Engel April 3, 1973.
1973Robert Metcalfe creates the Ethernet at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) on May 22, 1973.
1973The first VoIP call is made.
1973IBM introduces its 3660 Supermarket System, which uses a laser to read grocery prices and UPC bar codes.
1973Interactive laser discs make their debut.
1973The first Landsat satellite is launched July 23, 1973.
1973Chris Pirillo is born July 26, 1973.
1973The ICCP is founded.
1973Sergey Brin is born August 21, 1973.
1973U.S. Patent 3,906,166 is filed October 17, 1973 for a radio telephone system, which helps paves the way for what we know today as a cell phone.
1973Judge awards John Vincent Atanasoff as the inventor of the first electronic digital computer on October 19, 1973.
1974Jeri Ellsworth is born in 1974.
1974Christopher Stone is born March 10, 1974.
1974Intel’s improved microprocessor chip is introduced April 1, 1974, the 8080 becomes a standard in the computer industry.
1974The U.S. government starts its antitrust suit against AT&T and doesn’t end until 1982 when AT&T agrees to divest itself of the wholly owned Bell operating companies that provided local exchange service.
1974John Draper aka Captain Crunch discovers a breakfast cereal children’s whistle creates a 2600 hertz tone. Using this whistle and a blue box he’s able to successfully get into AT&T‘s phone network and make free calls anywhere in the world.
1974The first Toshiba floppy disk drive is introduced.
1974Vannevar Bush passes away June 28, 1974.
1974The IBM MVS operating system is introduced.
1974A commercial version of ARPANET known as Telenet is introduced and considered by many to be the first Internet Service Provider (ISP).
1974IBM develops SEQUEL, which today is known as SQL today.
1974IBM introduces SNA.
1974Charles Simonyi coins the term WYSIWYG.
1974Altair 8800 kits start going on sale December 19, 1974.
1975Bill Gates and Paul Allen Establish Microsoft April 4, 1975.
1975Christopher Strachey passes away May 18, 1975.
1975Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Monte Davidoff announce Altair BASIC.
1975MITS ships one of the first PCs, the Altair 8800 with one kilobyte (KB) of memory. The computer is ordered as a mail-order kit for $397.00.
1975A flight simulator demo is first shown.
1975Paul Allen and Bill Gates write the first computer language program for personal computers, which is a form of BASIC designed for the Altair. Gates later drops out of Harvard and founds Microsoft with Allen.
1975Molly Wood is born May 23, 1975.
1975Marissa Mayer is born May 30, 1975.
1975Xerox exits the computer market on July 21, 1975.
1975The Byte Shop, one of the first computer stores, open in California.
1975The IBM 5100 becomes the first portable computer, which was released on September 1975. The computer weighed 55 pounds and had a five inch CRT display, tape drive, 1.9MHz PALM processor, and 64KB of RAM.
1975EPSON enters the US market.
1975Gina Trapani is born September 19, 1975.
1975Bram Cohen is born October 12, 1975.
1975IMS Associates begin shipping its IMSAI 8080 computer kits on December 16, 1975.
1976On February 3, 1976 David Bunnell publishes an article by Bill Gates complaining about software piracy in his Computer Notes Altair newsletter.
1976Intel introduces the 8085 processor on March 1976.
1976Steve Wozniak designs the first Apple, the Apple I computer in 1976, later Wozniak and Steve Jobs co-found Apple Computers on April Fools day.
1976The first 5.25-inch floppy disk is invented.
1976Microsoft introduces an improved version of BASIC.
1976The First Annual World Altair Computer convention and first convention of computer hobbyists is held in New Mexico on March 26, 1976.
1976The term meme is first defined in the book The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
1976The first Public Key Cryptography known as the Deffie-Hellman is developed by Whitfield Deffie and Martin Hellman.
1976The Intel 8086 is introduced June 8, 1976.
1976Amber MacArthur is born June 27, 1976.
1976Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak demonstrate the first Apple computer at the Home Brew Computer Club.
1976The NASA Viking 2 lands on Mars September 3, 1976 and transmits pictures and soil analysis.
1976Professor at Bowling Green State University first uses the term ‘Computer Ethics‘.
1976The original Apple computer company logo of Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree is replaced by the well known rainbow colored apple with a bite out of it.
1976Matrox is founded.
1976DES is approved as a federal standard in November 1976.
1976Jack Dorsey is born November 19, 1976.
1976Microsoft officially drops the hyphen in Micro-soft and trademarks the Microsoft name November 26, 1976.
1976In December of 1976 Bill Gates drops out of Harvard to devote all his time to Microsoft.
1977Apple Computer becomes Incorporated January 4, 1977
1977Ward Christansen develops a popular modem transfer modem called Xmodem.
1977Apple Computer Inc., Radio Shack, and Commodore all introduce mass-market computers.
1977Kevin Rose is born February 21, 1977.
1977Derek Gehl is born March 10, 1977.
1977The First West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco’s Brooks Civic Auditorium is held on April 15, 1977.
1977Peter G. Neuman coins the term peopleware.
1977Apple Computers Apple II, the first personal computer with color graphics is demonstrated.
1977ARCNET the first commercially network is developed
1977Zoom Telephonics is founded.
1977Commodore announces that the PET (Personal Electronic Transactor) will be a self-contained unit, with a CPU, RAM, ROM, keyboard, monitor and tape recorder all for $495.00
1977Microsoft sells the license for BASIC to Radio Shack and Apple and introduces the program in Japan.
1977Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope is released May 25, 1977.
1977Apple releases the Apple II series of computers June 10, 1977.
1977Chad Hurley is born July 21, 1977.
1977Tandy announces it will manufacture the TRS-80 Model 1, the first mass-produced computer on August 3, 1977. This computer is commonly referred to as the Trash 80.
1977Frederic Williams passes away August 11, 1977 (Age: 66)
1977NASA Voyager 1 is launched into space September 5, 1977.  This spacecraft is the farthest man-made object in space.
1977BSD is introduced.
1978Dan Bricklin creates VisiCalc.
1978The first BBS is put online February 16, 1978.
1978TCP splits into TCP/IP driven by Danny Cohen, David Reed, and John Shoch to support real-time traffic. This allows the creation of UDP.
1978Epson introduces the TX-80, which becomes the first successful dot matrix printer for personal computers.
1978OSI is developed by ISO.
1978Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle create the first MUD.
1978The first spam e-mail was sent by Gary Thuerk in May 1, 1978 an employee at Digital who was advertising the new DECSYSTEM-2020, 2020T, 2060, AND 2060T on ARPAnet.
1978Microsoft introduces a new version of COBOL.
1978Peter Sunde is born September 13, 1978.
1978Louise Joy Brown born July 25, 1978, becomes the first human baby born as a result of using in vitro fertilization (IVF).
1978The 5.25-inch floppy disk becomes an industry standard.
1978In June of 1978 Apple introduces Apple DOS 3.1, the first operating system for the Apple computers.
1978Ward Christensen and Randy Seuss have the first major microcomputer bulletin board up and running in Chicago.
1978ETA is founded.
1978Steve Chen is born in 1978.
1978John Shoch and Jon Hupp at Xerox PARC develop the first worm.
1979Jawed Karim is born in 1979.
1979Robert Williams of Michigan became the first human to be killed by a robot at the Ford Motors company on January 25, 1979. Resulting in a $10 million dollar lawsuit.
1979Software Arts Incorporated VisiCalc becomes the first electronic spreadsheet and business program for PCs.
1979Epson releases the MX-80 which soon becomes an industry standard for dot matrix printers.
1979SCO is founded.
1979Sierra is founded.
1979The Intel 8088 is released on June 1, 1979.
1979Markus Persson is born June 1, 1979.
1979Bit 3 is founded.
1979Texas Instruments enters the computer market with the TI 99/4 personal computer that sells for $1,500.
1979Hayes markets its first modem that becomes the industry standard for modems.
1979Atari introduces a coin-operated version of Asteroids.
1979More than half a million computers are in use in the United States.
19793COM is founded by Robert Metcalfe.
1979Oracle introduces the first commercial version of SQL.
1979The programming language DoD-1 is officially changed to Ada.
1979The Motorola 6800, an 8-bit processor is released and is later chosen as the processor for the Apple Macintosh.
1979Phoenix is founded.
1979VMS is introduced.
1979CompuServe becomes the first commercial online service offering dial-up connection to anyone September 24, 1979.
1979Usenet is first started.
1979A technology consulting firm in Washington D.C. known as Network Solutions is established.
1979Bit 3 is established.
1979Seagate is founded.
1979Saitek is founded
1979Oracle is founded.
1979Novell Data System is established as an operating system developer. Later in 1983 the company becomes the Novell company.

Computer history – 1980 – 1990

1980On January 3, Hewlett Packard introduces its HP-85. A microcomputer with 16kB of RAM and a 5-inch CRT display.
1980IBM introduces RISC.
1980IBM hires Paul Allen and Bill Gates to create an operating system for a new PC. The pair buy the rights to a simple operating system manufactured by Seattle Computer Products and use it as a template. IBM allows the two to keep the marketing rights to the operating system, called DOS.
1980IBM hires Microsoft to develop versions of BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, and Pascal for the PC being developed by IBM.
1980Microsoft licenses Unix and starts to develop a PC version, XENIX.
1980The programming language FORTRAN 77 is created.
1980The first Tandy Color computer is introduced.
1980AST is founded.
1980Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is released May 21, 1980.
1980Steve Ballmer joins Microsoft on June 11, 1980, and became Microsoft’s 30th employee, the first business manager hired by Bill Gates.
1980Atari becomes the first company to register a Copyright for two computer games “Asteroids” and “Lunar Landar” on June 17, 1980.
1980FIC is founded.
1980Iomega is established.
1980Quantum is founded.
1980ARPANET experiences first major network crash causing it to go down for four hours October 27, 1980.
1980Shawn Fanning is born November 22, 1980.
1981Jeff Dailey, a 19-year old becomes the first person to die from computer gaming after dying from a heart attack after posting a score of 16,660 on Berzerk.
1981Satya Pal Asija receives the first U.S. patent for a computer software program May 26, 1981.
1981Diskeeper is founded on July 22, 1981.
1981Microsoft buys the rights for QDOS from Seattle Computer Products (SCP) for $25,000 on July 27, 1981.
1981MS-DOS 1.0 was released August, 1981.
1981American National Standards Institute more commonly known as ANSI was founded.
1981IBM joins the computer race by announcing the IBM Personal Computer on August 12, 1981, which runs the new MS-DOS operating system and has a starting price of $1,565.
1981Kermit is developed at the Columbia University in New York
1981Xerox introduces the graphical Star workstation. This computer greatly influences the development of Apples future computer models, Lisa and Macintosh, as well as Microsoft‘s Windows.
1981VHDL is proposed and begins development.
1981VMEbus is developed.
1981Hayes Introduces the Smartmodem 300 with its standard setting AT command set and an operating speed of 300 bits per second.
1981Adam Osborne introduces the Osborne I, the first successful portable computer, which weighs 25 pounds.
1981Hewlett-Packard Superchip the first 32-bit chip is introduced.
1981Commodore ships the VIC-20, which later becomes the worlds most popular computer costing only $299.95.
1981Logitech is founded in Apples, Switzerland.
1981Adaptec is founded.
1981BITNET is founded.
1981Gemlight is founded.
1981Hayes releases the Smartmodem 1200 with transfer rates of 1,200 bits per second.
1981CTX is established.
1981IBM joins the computer race by introducing IBM 5150 PC that used the 4.77-MHz Intel 8088 processor, 16 kB base memory, and PC-DOS (MS-DOS) for the OS.
1981Kensington is founded.
1981MG Siegler is born November 2, 1981.
1982Peter Norton creates Norton Utilities.
1982Sony releases its first Trinitron monitor.
1982SGI is founded.
1982The Intel 80286 is introduced February 1, 1982.
1982Maxtor is founded.
1982Hercules is founded.
1982Labtec is founded.
1982Disney releases the movie Tron on July 9, 1982, the first movie to use computer generated special effects.
1982Number Nine is founded.
1982Symantec is founded.
1982A Philips factory in Germany creates the world’s first compact disc August 17, 1982.
1982Jack Kilby is inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame.
1982Microsoft releases FORTRAN for the PC COBOL for MS-DOS, and Multiplan for the Apple II and CP/M machines.
1982Microsoft establishes a subsidiary in England to begin foreign sales efforts.
1982WordPerfect Corporation introduces WordPerfect 1.0 a word processing program that will become one of the computer markets most popular word processing program.
1982The first luggable computer is introduced.
1982Sun is incorporated in February 1982, with four employees.
1982Lotus Development Corporation is founded.
1982Compaq Computer Corp. is founded by Rod Canion and other Texas Instruments Incorporated engineers. Compaq is the first company to introduce a clone of the IBM PC (the Compaq Portable in 1983) and become IBMs biggest challenger in the corporate market.
1982The Commodore 64 an 8-bit computer with 64 kilobytes of memory and Commodore BASIC begins to be sold.
1982Diamond Multimedia is founded.
1982The movie Blade Runner is released June 25, 1982.
1982Veronica Belmont is born July 21, 1982.
1982The HX-20 becomes the first notebook-sized portable computer is introduced by Epson.
1982MS-DOS version 1.25 is released.
1982Apple Computer is the first personal computer manufacturer to hit the $1 billion mark for annual sales.
1982Adobe is founded.
1982Professor Scott Fahlman creates a post on bulletin board mention the idea of using a series of characters to represent a smiley face and frown face that later became known as emoticons.
1982BTC is founded.
1982Sony begins selling the first Audio CD players October 1, 1982.
1982The XT bus is introduced.
1982Rich Skrenta a 15-year old high school student creates the first known computer virus known as The Elk Cloner.
1982The first permanent artificial heart is implanted into Barney Clark December 2, 1982.
1982AutoCAD is introduced in December 1982.
1983Lotus 1-2-3, a spreadsheet program is introduced January 26, 1983.
1983Apple releases the Lisa computer, the first commercial computer with a GUI.
1983The IBM XT is first introduced on March 8, 1983.
1983The first Apple WWDC is held.
1983Compaq introduces the first 100% IBM compatible computer the “Compaq Portable” in March of 1983.
1983PC World magazine first appears on newstands March 1983.
1983John Scully becomes CEO of Apple on April 8, 1983.
1983BSD 4.2 is released and introduces pseudo terminals.
1983Zoran is founded.
1983The movie Wargames is released June 3, 1983.
1983Paul Allen leaves Microsoft.
1983Iomega introduces the Bernoulli drive.
1983The TIME magazine nominates the personal computer as the “machine of the year” December 26,1982, the first non-human ever nominated.
1983The 414s, a group of hackers are caught by the FBI.
1983Interplay is founded.
1983Novell introduces Netware.
1983The Apple IIe is introduced. The computer contains 64 kilobytes of RAM one megahertz 6502 processor and running Applesoft BASIC and sells for $1,400.
1983ARPANET standardizes TCP/IP.
1983Tandy, Epson and NEC all sell notebook computers however only the Tandys model 100 becomes popular because of its low price of $499.
1983THX is established.
1983More than 10 million computers are in use in the United States.
1983MS-DOS 2.0 was released March, 1983.
1983Alexis Ohanian is born April 24, 1983.
1983Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi is released May 25, 1983.
1983True BASIC is created and is a compiled, structured language. It doesn’t require line numbers, as the original BASIC did, and includes the advanced control structures necessary for structured programming.
1983The QIC Standard becomes the first standard in the computer history for tape drives.
1983Soviet jets shoot down a civilian Korean Air Lines Flight 007 flying from New York to Seoul and kill all 269 passengers and crew. As a result of this mistake President Ronald Regan orders the U.S. military to make Global Positioning System (GPS) available for civilian use.
1983The GNU operating system is first announced by Richard Stallman September 27, 1983.
1983IAB is founded in 1983.
1983IBM announces the PCjr (PC junior) computer November 1, 1983.
1983Microsoft Windows was announced November 10, 1983.
1983The largest BBS Exec-PC goes online November 28, 1983.
1984The AT&T company we know today officially starts, expiring the famous Bell logo January 1, 1984.
1984Docutel/Olivetti introduce the Olivetti PC, compatible with the IBM PC on January 3, 1984.
1984On January 4th Netherlands Antilles issues a 45-cent postage stamp of a computer making a newspaper.
1984The now famous Apple “1984” commercial is aired during Super Bowl XVIII January 22, 1984.
1984On January 24, 1984 the Apple Macintosh is introduced.
1984Hitachi announces it has developed the first memory chip capable of holding 1MB on January 5th.
1984IBM‘s AT computer is introduced.
1984The MUD was known as MAD becomes the first global MUD and runs across BITNET.
1984IBM PC Division (PCD) introduces its first portable computer, the IBM Portable weighing in at 30 pounds.
1984Justine Ezarik is born March 20, 1984.
1984Microsoft creates a new hardware and peripheral division March 29, 1984.
1984ESS Technologies is founded.
1984Mark Zuckerberg is born May 14, 1984.
1984The game Tetris is first released in the USSR June 6, 1984.
1984Guillemot is founded.
1984Amiga is purchased by Commodore Business Machines on August 15th.
1984Bill Gates is featured on the cover of TIME magazine.
1984ASN.1 is first defined.
1984The 3.5-inch floppy diskette is introduced and later becomes an industry standard.
1984Dell Computer is founded May 3, 1984 in Austin Texas.
1984Fox Software FoxBASE is introduced.
1984Paul Mockapetris and Jon Postel introduce DNS.
1984The now famous Apple commercial is shown during the Super Bowl, the commercial introduces the Apple Macintosh, a computer with graphical user interface instead of needing to type in commands. In six months sales of the computer reach 100,000.
1984Apple AppleTalk networking protocol is introduced.
1984Dhrystone is developed.
1984IBM develops EGA.
1984The computer Museum opens in downtown Boston.
1984Microsoft introduces MS-DOS 3.0 for the IBM PC AT and MS-DOS 3.1 for networks.
1984The Tandy 1000 personal computer is introduced and becomes the best-selling IBM-compatible computer of the year.
1984IBM introduces the Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) video card with higher resolution, more colors, and a quicker response then previous video cards.
1984University of Southern California professor Fred Cohen creates alarm when he warns the public about computer viruses in his Computer Virus – Theory and Experiments paper.
1984The term cyberspace is first used and coined by William Gibson in his book Neuromancer.
1984Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak are awarded the National Medal of Technology
1984The beginning of the greatest adventure computer gaming series is released by Sierra. Kings Quest 1: Quest for the crown is released to the public.
1984The Yellow book of CD-ROM standards is written.
1984The original Terminator movie is released October 26, 1984.
1984SETI is founded November 20, 1984.
1984Cirrus is established.
1984ISA is expanded to 16-bit capability.
1985The WELL is founded in February 1985 by Stewart Brand and Larry Brilliant.
1985On January 4th at CES, Commodore introduces the Commodore 128 PC with 8502 processor 128 kB of RAM and ROM cartridge port.
1985On January 4th at CES, Atari introduces the Atari 130XE, 130ST, 260ST, 520ST, 65XE, 65XEM, and 65XEP computers.
1985The first Internet domain name symbolics.com is registered by Symbolics, a Massachusetts computer company on March 15, 1985.
1985Charles Hamblin passes away May 14, 1985.
1985The GNU manifesto is published by Dr. Dobb’s Journal
1985Software Arts assets are sold to Lotus. Software Arts is most well known for its VisiCalc program.
1985The Amiga aka A1000 is introduced..
1985PNY Technologies is founded.
1985Dell releases its first computer, the “Turbo PC.”
1985Titus Interactive is founded.
1985Microtek introduces the world’s first 300-dpi black-and-white sheetfed scanner.
1985Quantum Computer Services is founded, this company later becomes AOL.
1985Microsoft and IBM begin collaboration on the next-generation operating system (OS/2).
1985The computer company Gateway 2000 is founded in Siox City, Iowa on September 5, 1985.
1985CAT1 wiring is introduced.
1985Intel introduces the 80386 in October.
1985Paul Brainard of Aldus Corporation introduces Pagemaker for the Macintosh, a program that lets users mix type and graphics on the same page. The combination of this software and the new Apple LaserWriter laser printer helps create the desktop publishing field.
1985The Mach Project begins at the Carnegie Mellon University.
1985IBM develops NetBEUI.
1985Microsoft Windows 1.0 is introduced in November, 1985 and is initially sold for $100.00.
1985ATI is founded.
1985Microsoft releases first version of QuickBASIC on August 18, 1985.
1985Steve Jobs quits Apple September 16, 1985.
1985Boca is established.
1985IBM introduces the Baby AT motherboard form factor.
1985Corel is founded.
1985The first C++ reference guide is published by Bjarne Stoustrup October 14, 1985.
1985The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is released in North America October 18, 1985.
1985Microsoft releases the first version of Microsoft Excel on the Apple Macintosh November 30, 1985.
1985Gravis is founded.
1986The Hacker Manifesto is published in Phrack (Volume One, Issue 7, Phile 3 of 10) on January 8, 1986.
1986The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is formed January 16, 1986.
1986The space shuttle Challenger explodes January 28, 1986 during take off, resulting in the death of the seven crew members.
1986Beny Alagem buys the Packard Bell name from Teledyne and starts the Packard Bell computer company.
1986The term vaporware is first used by Philip Elmer-DeWitt in a TIME magazine article.
1986Gigabyte is founded.
1986Pixar is co-founded by Steve Jobs.
1986Apple introduces the Mac Plus. The computer contained one megabyte of RAM, new keyboard that contained cursors and numeric keypad and sold for $2,600.
1986The AT or 101 key keyboard is introduced by IBM.
1986Compaq introduces the first 386-based PC compatible computer.
1986The NCSA opens.
1986Microsoft is listed on the New York Stock Exchange selling shares to the public at $21 each, making Bill Gates one of the worlds youngest billionaires.
1986More than 30 million computers are in use in the United States.
1986The domain ibm.com comes online March 19, 1986.
1986MS-DOS 3.2 was released April, 1986.
1986IBM becomes the first company to use a one megabit chip in the IBM Model 3090.
1986IMAP is developed by Stanford University.
1986Eric Thomas develops the first Listserv.
1986NSFNET is created.
1986BITNET II is created.
1986IBM PC Division (PCD) announces it’s first laptop computer, the PC Convertible, weighing 12 pounds, which is 18 pounds lighter than the earlier portable computer.
1986CD-i format is specified.
1986Tandy announces the Color Computer 3 July 30, 1986.
1986Aztech is established.
1986Avid is established.
1987Steve Wozniak ends his employment with Apple on February 6, 1987.
1987The domain apple.com comes online February 19, 1987.
1987Oak Technology is founded.
1987CompuServe introduces the GIF standard and images.
1987Robert Noyce is awarded the National Medal of Technology.
1987Microsoft purchases Forethought Incorporated. The company that developed the presentation software PowerPoint.
1987Microsoft introduces Microsoft Works.
1987Dolby AC-1 is introduced.
1987VIA Technologies is founded.
1987Microsoft and IBM release OS/2 1.0.
1987The Mac SE is introduced at $2,900.
1987Chipsets begin to be found on computer motherboards.
1987IBM introduces the PS/2 personal computer that has improved graphics, a 3.5-inch diskette drive, and proprietary bus to help prevent clone makers competition, and a bidirectional 8-bit port.
1987IBM sends clone manufacturers letters demanding retroactive licensing fees.
1987IBM develops 8514/A.
1987MS-DOS 3.3 was released April, 1987.
1987The domain cisco.com comes online May 14, 1987.
1987Microsoft acquires Forethought on June 29, 1987, the developer of what we know today as Microsoft PowerPoint.
1987IBM introduces MCA.
1987The first ARM processor computer, the Acorn Archimedes is released.
1987Microsoft Shares hits $100 per share.
1987Apogee is founded, Apogee is well known for its computer games as well as the company who first released a ‘Shareware’ game.
1987The SPARC processor is first introduced by Sun.
1987The first e-mail from China is sent to its connection in Germany September 20, 1987.
1987Star Trek: The Next Generation TV show premiers for the first time.
1987IBM introduces VGA.
1987RealTek is founded October 1987.
1987Walter Brattain passes away October 13, 1987.
1987Larry Wall introduces Perl 1.0.
1987On November 22, 1987 a Chicago PBS affiliate WTTW-11 TV broadcast gets hacked by a person wearing a Max Headroom mask.
1987Microsoft introduces Windows 2.0 in December 9, 1987.
1987Larry Wall releases the first version of Perl on December 18, 1987, version 1.0.
1987Elitegroup Computer Systems is established.
1988Edmund Berkeley passes away March 7, 1988.
1988Apple files a copyright infringement against Microsoft for Windows 2.03 and Hewlett Packard for New Wave in comparison with their Macintosh operating system.
1988About 45 million PCs are in use in the United States.
1988SNMP is introduced.
1988Robert Morris releases the Morris worm November 22, 1988, becoming one of the first major worms to infect roughly 6,000 computers over the Internet and helps establish the CERT Coordination Center.
1988First T-1 backbone is added to ARPANET.
1988Xircom is founded.
1988Bitnet and CSNET merge to create CREN.
1988Trend Micro is founded.
1988Creative Labs introduces the SoundBlaster, a sound card for the PC that contains an 11-voice FM synthesizer with text-to-speech, digitized voice input/output, a MIDI port, a joystick port and bundled software.
1988Jarkko Oikarinen develops IRC
1988EISA is announced in September as an alternative to MCA.
1988Motorola releases the 88000 processor.
1988NTP is introduced.
1988Intel 80386SX is introduced.
1988Promise is founded.
1988OSF is founded.
1988Morphing is first introduced in the movie Willow.
1988MS-DOS 4.0 was released July, 1988.
1988MS-DOS 4.01 was released November, 1988.
1988Andrei Ershov passes away December 8, 1988.
1989GriD Systems Corporation introduces the first pen-based computer.
1989PCMCIA trade association is founded.
1989ActionFront is founded.
1989The Gif89a standard is introduced.
1989ABIT is founded.
1989SQL Server is introduced.
1989Antoni Kilinski passes away May 6, 1989.
1989Fred Cohen is awarded the Information Technology Award.
1989Intel releases the 486DX processor, with more than 1 million transistors and multitasking capabilities.
1989Orange book is released by Philips and Sony.
1986Robert Morris becomes first person indicted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act on July 26, 1989.
1989The first release of Microsoft Office for the Apple Mac is released on August 1, 1989.
1989William Shockley passes away August 12, 1989.
1989Poqet announces the Poqet PC the first pocket-sized MS-DOS compatible computer.
1989Asus is founded.
1989AC-2 is introduced.
1989The networking routing protocol OSPF is introduced.
1989Citrix is founded.
1989S3 Inc. is founded.

Computer History – 1990

1990In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee, working with Robert Cailliau at CERN propose a ‘hypertext’ system, which is the first start of the Internet as we know it today.
1990Microsoft releases Windows 3.0 a completely new version of Microsoft Windows. The version will sell more than 3 million copies in one year.
1990Microsoft exceeds $1 billion in sales and becomes the first company to do so.
1990Godwin’s Law is conceived.
1990Alan Perlis passes away February 7, 1990.
1990Electronic Frontier Foundation or EFF is founded February 16, 1990.
1990An Wang passes away march 24, 1990.
1990Hubble telescope goes into space.
1990Microsoft releases its first product for the Russian market Russian DOS 4.01.
1990The World, the first commercial Internet dial-up access provider comes online.
1990Norton sells his software business to Symantec.
1990Creative Labs introduces the SoundBlaster Pro.
1990Quarterdeck releases its memory management program QEMM386 version 5.1 which quickly becomes the fastest-selling software program in the Untied States.
1990Robert Noyce passes away June 3, 1990.
1990The Multimedia Personal Computer (MPC) standards are developed by Tandy and Microsoft.
1990Microsoft and IBM stop working together to develop operating systems.
1990Arthur Samuel passes away July 29, 1990.
1990IBM introduces XGA.
1990ARPANET replaced by NSFNET.
1990The first search engine Archie, written by Alan Emtage, Bill Heelan, and Mike Parker at McGill University in Montreal Canada is released on September 10, 1990
1990GSM standard is defined.
1990The NiMH battery begins being used for commercial use.
1990Panda Software is founded.
1990Archie, the first search engine is introduced on September 10, 1990.
1990Gopher is developed at the University of Minnesota. The program is a menu-driven search-and-retrieval tool and helps Internet users location information online.
1990The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) is launched October 17, 1990.
1990Intel releases the 80386SL processor that uses low power and found in many portable computers.
1990Tim Berners-Lee successfully sets up the first web server at info.cern.ch on December 25, 1990.

Computer History – 1991

1991John Bardeen passes away January 30, 1991.
1991id Software is founded February 1, 1991.
1991BSDi is founded.
1991Python is introduced.
1991HTTP/0.9 is introduced.
1991NSF opens the Internet to commercial use.
1991AMD introduces the AM386 microprocessor family in March.
1991Intel introduces the Intel 486SX chip in April in efforts to help bring a lower-cost processor to the PC market selling for $258.00.
1991Cell phone Lithium batteries begin being recalled in Japan after phone explodes and burns mans face while talking on the phone.
1991The Sega Genesis game “Zero Wing” is introduced. The phrase “All your base are belong to us” later becomes a popular saying for computer gamers and geeks.
1991Symantec releases Norton antivirus software.
1991The programming language FORTRAN 90 is created.
1991Following its decision not to develop operating systems cooperatively with IBM, Microsoft changes the name of OS/2 to Windows NT.
1991Creative Labs releases a multimedia upgrade kit that includes a CD-ROM drive, the SoundBlaster Pro sound card, a MIDI kit and a variety of software applications. The kit allows IBM compatible users to obtain all tools needed to meet the MPC standards.
1991Pretty Good Privacy more commonly known as PGP a public key used for encryption is released as Freeware by Philip Zimmerman.
1991The computer Monkey Virus is first discovered in Edmonton, Canada.
1991The domain microsoft.com comes online May 2, 1991.
1991Dolby introduces AC-3.
1991Apple introduces System 7 operating system May 13, 1991.
1991Derrick Lehmer passes away May 22, 1991.
1991The DLT tape drive is released as a very reliable, high-speed and high-capacity tape drive solution.
1991The Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) is developed by Intel, Xircom and Zenith Data Systems.
1991TrueType a scalable font is introduced and developed by Microsoft and Apple and is used on all Apple computers and PC computers running Windows.
1991MS-DOS 5.0 was released June, 1991.
1991The London Science Museum completed the Difference Engine No 2 for the bicentennial year of Charles Babbage’s birth in June of 1991.
1991The movie Terminator 2 is released July 1, 1991.
1991The first Cybercafe opens in July 1991 in SanFrancisco .
1991The World Wide Web is launched to the public August 6, 1991. Tim Berners-Lee, a scientist at the European Partial Physics Laboratory (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland develops the Web as a research tool.
1991Linux is introduced by Linus Torvald in August 25, 1991.
1991Apple QuickTime is introduced December 2, 1991.

Computer History – 1992

1992Internet Society formed.
1992Grace Hopper passes away January 1, 1992.
1992John Scully first uses the term PDA at CES while describing the Apple Newton on January 7, 1992.
1992NSFNET upgraded to T-3 backbone.
1992Microsoft introduces Windows 3.1. It sells more than 1 million copies within the first two months of its release.
1992Intel releases the 486DX2 chip March 2 with a clock doubling ability that generates higher operating speeds.
1992Microsoft acquires Fox Software in June, maker of FoxPro.
1992Allen Newell passes away July 19, 1992.
1992VESA local bus is introduced.
1992Radio Shack releases the M2500 XL/2 and M4020 SX personal computers, which are the first personal based upon the MPC specification.
1992The Reusable Alkaline battery is used for commercial use.
1992GeCAD is founded.
1992Popular Gopher tool Veronica is first released.
1992EPP version 1.7 is released.
1992IBM PCD introduces ThinkPad, the industry’s first notebook with a 10.4 inch color TFT display and TrackPoint.
1992Thrustmaster is founded.
1992TWAIN a standard interface for scanning equipment is developed by the TWAIN consortium, as it was called, consisted of representatives from Aldus, Caere, Eastman, Kodak, Hewlett Packard and Logitech.
1992Microsoft and Hewlett Packard develops ECP.
1992MIME standard is defined.
1992Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) is developed by SQL Access Group.
1992Jean-Loup Gaily and Mark Alder release gzip on October 31, 1992.
1992John Kemeny passes away December 26, 1992.

Computer History – 1993

1993Fifty World Wide Web servers are known to exist as of January.
1993Winsock is released January 1993.
1993President Bill Clinton puts the United States White House online with a World Wide Web page and E-mail address for the President, Vice President and first lady.
1993Microsoft releases Windows NT, Microsoft Office 4.0 and MS-DOS 6.0.
1993Intel develops PPGA.
1993Efficient Networks is established.
1993Tandy sells its computer business to AST Research.
1993Intel releases the Pentium Processor on March 22 1993. The processor is a 60 MHz processor, incorporates 3.2 million transistors and sells for $878.00.
1993The NCSA releases the Mosaic browser April 22, 1993.
1993Microsoft and IBM introduce a PnP ISA.
1993The first live streaming was done by the band Severe Tire Damage on June 24, 1993. The event was seen live in Australia and other locations over the Internet.
1993Microsoft Windows NT 3.1 was released July 27, 1993.
1993Neomagic is founded.
1993Wine begins to be developed.
1993John Scully is named president of Apple Computers.
1993IrDA is founded.
1993InterNIC is established.
1993FRISK software is founded.
1993Tim Negris, a VP at Oracle Corporation coins the term Thin client.
1993Funcom is founded.
1993WinRAR is first released.
1993PowerQuest is founded.
1993The Internet experiences massive growth.
1993Edgar F. Codd introduces the world to OLAP.
1993ADSI is developed at Bellcore
1993The Environmental Protection Agency, along with 50 computer companies, establish Energy Star guidelines that aim to decrease the amount of power a PC uses when they are idle.
1993Developed by IBM, Motorola and Apple the PowerPC processor for the Apple Power Mac is introduced and later included in the Power Mac.
1993VCD is introduced.
1993The PC game DOOM by Id Software was released December 10, 1993. Today, DOOM is thought of as a turning point for first person shooters and for computer games in general.
1993Broderbund releases the computer game Myst is released September 24, 1993 and later is honored for being one of the most popular, well known, and sold IBM compatible and Apple Macintosh title.
1993Microsoft Windows 3.11, an update to Windows 3.1 is released December 31, 1993

Computer History – 1994

1994Commodore computers files Bankruptcy.
1994Vice President Al Gore makes a speech where he coins the term “Information Superhighway.”
1994IBM releases OS/2 Warp.
1994CDDI is adopted into the X3-T9.5 standard.
1994VESA Local Bus 2.0 is released.
1994Intel releases the second generation of Intel Pentium processors on March 7, 1994.
1994Netscape (Mosaic Communications corporation) is found by Marc Andreesen and James H. Clark April 4, 1994.
19943DFX is founded.
1994Microsoft introduces SMS, now known as SCCM.
1994Iomega releases its Zip disk drive and diskettes.
1994Red Hat Linux is founded.
1994Microsoft releases its beta for Windows 95, code named Chicago.
1994Rasmus Lerdorf creates PHP.
1994IBM PCD introduces the IBM ThinkPad 775CD, the first notebook with an integrated CD-ROM.
1994Hotwired sells the first banner ad to AT&T on October 27, 1994 and begins running the first Internet banner ad campaign.
1994A mathematical flaw in the Intel Pentium involving the Pentium not correctly performing floating-point calculations is discovered. Later this leads to Intel millions of processors.
1994YAHOO is created in April, 1994.
1994Sunbelt Software is founded.
1994The e-mail hoax “Good Times virus” is first sent out in e-mail. The hoax claimed that an e-mail containing “Good Times” in the subject was spreading on the Internet and if opened would erase everything on the hard drive and to forward the warning to all your friends. This e-mail continues to be sent out even today.
1994MS-DOS 6.22 was released April, 1994.
1994Intel introduces the Intel 486DX4 processor.
1994ANSI approves the ATA standard May 12, 1994.
1994Bashir Rameyev passes away May 16, 1918
1994Microsoft releases Windows 3.11.
1994Geek Squad is founded June 16, 1994.
1997The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is established.
1994Jay Miner passes away June 20, 1994.
1994Norway’s telecom company, Telenor, starts a research project that later becomes Opera Software
1994Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 was released September 21, 1994.
1994The W3C organization is founded by Tim Berners-Lee on October 1, 1994.
1994Commodore completed its file for bankruptcy.
1994The Mach Project ends.
1994Mosaic Netscape 0.9, the first Netscape browser is officially released October 13, 1994. This browser also introduces the Internet to Cookies.
1994Perl 5.000 is released October 17, 1994.
1994Professor Thomas Nicely sends an e-mail on October 30, 1994 describing the Intel FPU bug.
1994Amazon.com domain is registered November 1, 1994.
1994WXYC (89.3 FM Chapel Hill, NC USA) becomes first traditional radio station to announce broadcasting on the Internet November 7, 1994.
1994Mosaic branches off the company Netscape November 14, 1994.
1994The W3C organization holds its first meeting December 14, 1994.
1994Netscape version 1 is released.
1994On December 24, 1994 Unisys and CompuServe announced that they expected licensing fees for software that creates and displays GIF images. This caused a lot of hysteria among developers and website owners using GIF images because of potential future GIF taxes that lead to the development of the PNG format.

Computer History – 1995

1995Apple allows other computer companies to clone its computer by announcing its licensed the Macintosh operating system rights to Radius on January 4.
1995IBM introduces the butterfly keyboard.
1995The dot-com boom starts.
1995Code named Utopia Microsoft Bob is introduced to the public January 5, 1995 at the CES by Bill Gates.
1995The first Wiki is created.
1995Yahoo.com domain is registered on January 18, 1995.
1995Allen Coombs passes away January 30, 1995.
1995Computer hacker Kevin Mitnick is arrested by the FBI.
1995EPoX is founded in February
1995The first VoIP software (Vocaltec) is released allowing end users to make voice calls over the Internet.
1995Apple develops FireWire.
1995O’Reilly Media sells the Global Network Navigator (“GNN”) to AOL in 1995.
1995Netscape introduces SSL in February of 1995.
1995Computer hacker Kevin Mitnick is arrested February 15, 1995.
1995Perl 5.001 is released March 13, 1995.
1995Arnold I. Dumey passes away.
1995The Opera browser version 1 is released April 1, 1995.
1995John Adam Presper “Pres” Eckert, Jr. passes away June 3, 1995.
1995John Vincent Atanasoff passes away on June 15, 1995  at the age of 91.
1995The movie ‘The Net’ with Sandra Bullock is released July 28, 1995.
1995Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 1.0 on August 16, 1995.
1995The domain ebay.com comes online August 4, 1995.
1995Netscape goes public at $28.00 a share and by the closing ends at $58.00 a share.
1995The first E3 is held in Las Vegas Nevada.
1995Intel introduces the SMBus.
1995Microsoft and General Electrics NBC television network form a partnership.
1995LiveScript is renamed to JavaScript.
1995Java is introduced.
1995The Iomega Jaz drive is introduced.
1995Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 was released May 30, 1995.
1995Microsoft Releases Windows 95, within four days the software sells more than 1 million copies.
1995PHP is publicly released June 8, 1995.
1995One of the largest and well known e-commerce sites today opens its website for the first time. Amazon.com is officially opened July of 1995.
1995DSVD is released.
1995WebTV Networks is founded.
1995EBay is founded by Pierre Omidyar.
1995Hotmail is started by Jack Smith and Sabeer Bhatia.
1995Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 2.0 on November 22, 1995 and officially starts the browser war between Netscape.
1995CD-E is introduced to the general public.
1995Ruby is released.
1995The movie Hackers is released September 15, 1995.
1995On September 20, 1995 AT&T splits into three separate publically traded companies: a systems and equipment company, a computer company, and a communications services company.
1995Microsoft releases DirectX 1.0 (4.02.0095) on September 30, 1995.
1995EDO memory is introduced.
1995Intel releases the new motherboard form factor ATX.
1995Lotus becomes a part of IBM.
1995The first computer network wiretap is authorized October 23, 1995 and leads later to the arrest of Julio Cesar Ardita.
1995CPAN is introduced October 26, 1995.
1995Intel introduces the Intel Pentium Pro in November.
1995Toy Story is released November 22, 1995 becoming the first movie that is completely computer generated.
1995HTML 2.0 standard is first published in RFC 1866 November 24, 1995.
1995Larry Page and Sergey Brin begin developing a search engine called BackRub with PageRank, an important technology that becomes an important part of Google.
1995On December 4, 1995 Sun Microsystems announced JavaScript and first releases it in Netscape 2.0B3. In the same year they also introduced Java.
1995IBM unveils Deep Blue December 5, 1995, a parallel computing system that will later play the World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov.
1995Internet search engine AltaVista launches December 15, 1995.
1995Konrad Zuse passes away December 18, 1995
1995USB standard is released.

Computer History – 1996

1996The domain imdb.com comes online January 5, 1996.
1996Netgear is founded January 8, 1996.
1996Intel releases the 200 MHz P6.
1996Jeffrey Lee Parson is born in 1996.
1996IPv6 is introduced.
1996Telecom Act deregulates data networks.
1996For the first time more e-mail is sent than postal mail in USA.
1996The first Java Development Kit (JDK 1.0) codenamed oak is released January 23, 1996.
1996The game Duke Nukem 3D is released January 29, 1996.
1996The domain myspace.com comes online February 22, 1996.
1996The movie Twister becomes the first featured film put on DVD March 25, 1996.
1996David Packard passes away on March 26, 1996
1996Microsoft VBScript is introduced.
1996Cuthbert Hurd passes away.
1996Angelfire is founded.
1996Alexa is introduced in April 1996.
1996Dr. Thomas Pabst starts the Tom’s Hardware website.
1996Microsoft releases DirectX 2.0a ( on June 5, 1996.
1996A domestic sheep by the name of Dolly is born and becomes the first mammal to be cloned
1996Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 was released July 29, 1996.
1996Li-polymer batteries begin being used.
1996HTTP/1.0 is specified in RFC 1945 and introduced in 1996.
1996CREN ended its support and since then the network has cease to exist.
1996What first started off as a Usenet, IMDb becomes incorporated as the Internet Movie Database, Ltd.
1996Google is first developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
1996KDE is started to be developed by Matthias Ettrich
1996Macromedia purchases FutureWave and later releases Macromedia Flash 1.0.
1996The first CSS specification, CSS 1, is published by the W3C in December 1996.
1996The CDA amendment to the U.S. 1996 Telecommunications Act that went into effect on February 8, 1996. The law was intended to protect children from obscenity on the Internet, but many Internet users argued that its language was too vague and it violated the rights of free speech. Protesters against the law turned their web pages black and displayed blue ribbon icons downloaded from the Electronic Frontier Foundation. February 8, 1996 is more commonly known as “black Thursday.”
1996Cray Research merges with SGI.
1996ATA-2 is approved by ANSI.
1996IBM and Sears sell Prodigy is sold to Internet Wireless.
1996Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 3.0 on August 13, 1996.
1996AT&T introduces Worldnet.
1996Microsoft releases DirectX 3.0 ( on June 5, 1996.
1996AT&T spins off the system and technology unit, which later renames itself Lucent Technologies.
1996IBM computer Deep Blue beats chess master Garry Kasparov in two chess matches for the first time on February 2, 1996.
1996NEC merges its PC operations outside Japan with Packard Bell.
1996Sony enters the PC market with the release of VAIO.
1996Creative Labs introduces the 3D Blaster card its first graphics card to be released to the computer market.
1996Apple Stock sinks to a 10-year low of less than $18.00 a share.
1996U.S. Robotics Pilot is announced.
1996Seagate has completed the merger of Conner Peripherals.
1996Microsoft releases Windows CE.
1996Tandy announces it will either sell or close all of its 17 incredible Universe stores and 19 of its Computer City stores because of low sales and losses in revenue.
1996WebTV is introduced allowing users to browse the web from their TV July 10, 1996.
1996MSNBC makes its debut.
1996Microsoft introduces the IntelliMouse also known as a wheel mouse.
1996Acer America Corporation introduces its designer home PCs.
1996Sun Microsystems releases its line of network computers.
1996Apple announces it will purchase NeXT for $429 million on December 20, 1996 and that it will acquire Steve Jobs, Apples cofounder, as a consultant.
1996Microsoft Windows CE 1.0 is released as a portable operating system solution.
1996Bit 3 becomes part of SBS Technologies.
1996Seymour Cray passes away October 5, 1996.
1996The U.S. Postal Services releases a new stamp commemorating the 50th birthday of the ENIAC.
1996The first Tomb Raider game is released November 14, 1996.
1996United States patent 5,579,430 is granted November 26, 1996 for the digital encoding process of MP3 files.
1996K56Flex is announced in November by Lucent and Rockwell.
1996Charles Molnar passes away December 13, 1996.
1996Carl Sagen passes away December 20, 1996.
1996The ATSC approves of HDTV on December 24, 1996.

Computer History – 1997

1997HTTP/1.1 is specified in RFC 2616 and officially released in January 1997.
1997Mosaic development and support officially discontinued on January 7, 1997.
1997On January 7th Microsoft releases the final version of Internet Explorer 3.0 for the Apple Macintosh.
1997The PNG standard is introduced on January 10, 1997.
1997Internet2 consortium is established.
1997The world learns of Dolly, the first successfully cloned mammal February 22, 1997.
1997The domain facebook.com comes online March 28, 1997.
1997IEEE releases 802.11 (WiFi) standard.
1997The Mars Pathfinder successfully lands on Mars July 4, 1997.
1997Microsoft releases DirectX 5.0 ( on July 16, 1997.
1997Intel introduces the MMX chip.
1997The CD burning software Nero is first released.
1997Unwired Planet develops HDML.
1997Intel introduces the Slot 1 processor and slot.
1997Connectix introduces Virtual PC.
1997Yahoo! introduces Yahoo Mail.
1997ATA-3 is approved by ANSI.
1997Several computer manufactures introduce sub 1,000 computers, computers that cost less than $1,000.00.
1997AOL faces several lawsuits from subscribers who are upset about the difficulties encountered when attempting to connect to its services.
1997The dancing baby becomes one of the Internets first fads. The dancingbaby is a short 3D animation of a small baby wearing diapers dancing. It was first created by Michael Girard and later tweaked by Ron Lussier at LucasArts who released it on a CompuServe forum as chacha.avi.
1997Altavista introduces its free online translator Babel Fish.
1997A cult known as the Heaven’s Gate that earns its money from designing web sites commits a mass suicide on March 27, 1997.
1997Digital Video Discs aka Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs) first go on sale.
1997Microsoft announces plans to buy WebTV Networks in April for $425 million. The deal is later approved and completed in August.
1997CompUSA joins Dell and Gateway in selling build-to-order PC computers.
1997Intel Pentium II is introduced on May 7, 1997.
1997IBMs Deep Blue computer defeats world champion chess player Garry Kasparov May 11, 1997 in their second six-game showdown, winning the tie-breaking game in only 62 minutes.
1997Perl 5.004 is released May 15, 1997.
1997Kaspersky is founded.
1997Carsten Haitzler releases Enlightenment.
1997E ink is established.
1997CD-RW drives and media are introduced.
1997Bill Gates is now the worlds richest businessman.
1997The NASA Pathfinder Web site, which is running real-time images sent from the Pathfinder on Mars receives more than 100 million hits during its first four days, in response to the high popularity NASA sets up 25 mirror pages to handle the traffic. The site sets a new popularity record.
1997Microsoft begins working on its own search engine.
1997The TRUSTe organization is founded.
1997Microsoft saves Apple with a $150 million investment August 6, 1997.
1997The google.com domain name is registered after Sergey Brin and Larry Page decide to change the name of their BackRub search engine to Google September 15, 1997.
1997The domain craigslist.com comes online September 24, 1997.
1997Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 4.0 in September of 1997.
1997Microsoft releases Microsoft Office 97.
1997The first paywall is introduced by the Wall Street Journal.
1997Microsoft announces Windows 98.
19973Com buys U.S. Robotics for $6.6 billion making the consolidation the largest in the history of computer companies.
1997Apple releases MAC OS 8.
1997Nullsoft is founded by Justin Frankel.
1997Webroot Software is founded.
1997Microsoft invests $150 million in Apple Computers Inc. and agrees to continue creating software for Apple computers, in agreement Apple makes Microsoft Internet Explorer its browser of choice for Macintosh computers.
1997The Li-Ion battery begins being used for commercial uses.
1997The Intel Pentium II 233 MHz processor is released.
1997IEEE introduced 802.11 the wireless network standard in June 1997.
1997Advanced Graphics Port or AGP designed for Video cards. Designed by Intel is released August of 1997.
1997Microsoft Windows CE 2.x is released.
1997The Slashdot website launches.
1997Steve Jobs rejoins Apple September 16, 1997.
1997Cyrix is established.
1997Riven, the sequel to Myst is released in October 1997.
1997The domain netflix.com comes online November 10, 1997.
1997Microsoft acquires Hotmail a free e-mail service in December 1997.
1997Cyril Cleverdon passes away December 4, 1997.

Computer History – 1998

1998Internet weblogs begin to appear.
1998Intel releases the Celeron processor.
1998Compaq Computer purchases Digital Equipment Corporation for $9.6 billion on January 26, 1998.
1998Hearings open between Microsoft and the U.S. Department of Justice to whether Microsoft has a monopoly on the software market.
1998The DMCA is passed.
1998XML 1.0 becomes a W3C recommendation on February 8, 1998.
1998ATA-4 is approved by ANSI.
1998Lite-on is founded.
1998Blender begins being developed by NeoGeo and Not a Number Technologies in 1998.
1998eMachines is founded.
19983DNow! is introduced by AMD.
1998Sun releases the JavaStation
1998Bill Gates, is hit in the face with a cream pie.
1998During the demonstration of a pre-release copy of Windows 98 at Comdex Bill Gates and an assistant demonstrate how to install a scanner. During the demonstration Windows 98 caused an error message.
1998V.90 modem standard is announced and agreed on February 6, 1998
1998Sun Microsystems begins shipping the JavaStation in March of 1998.
1998Saehan’s MPMan becomes the first MP3 player released in Japan to the public in spring of 1998.
1998The CIH virus also known as Chernobyl virus is created and begins infecting computers and starts executing one year later on April 26, 1999 the same day as the Chernobyl accident in Ukraine on April 26, 1986.
1998Koko, a gorilla ape and student of American Sign Language holds first interspecies live Internet chat April 27, 1998.
1998SETI@Home is introduced on June 8, 1998.
1998Microsoft Windows 98 is officially released on June 25, 1998.
1998The domain computerhope.com comes online July 14, 1998.
1998Perl 5.005 is released July 22, 1998.
1998The “Solar Sunrise” attack is launched by two teenager hackers and gives them access to more than 500 military government computers.
1998Google files for incorporation in California September 4, 1998.
1998The CST is initiated by ETA.
1998AMR is released September 9, 1998
1998Reynold Johnson passes away September 15, 1998.
1998Google hires Craig Silverstein as its first employee.
1998Microsoft Internet Explorer passes Netscape in Internet browser market share for the first time as reported in a September 28, 1998 International Data Corporation report.
1998Rockstar Games is founded.
1998MySQL is introduced.
1998PayPal is founded.
1998Amazon purchases IMDb.
1998Apple introduces the iMac, the iMac helps bring Apple back on the computer maps as a very easy and friendly computer.
1998Award, well known for its computer BIOS becomes part of Phoenix, another company well known for its computer BIOS.
1998Sony introduces the Sony Memory Stick.
1998David Evans passes away October 3, 1998.
1998In October of 1998 Microsoft announced that future releases of Windows NT would no longer have the initials of NT and that the next edition would be Windows 2000.
1998Computer Hope is established in November 1, 1998.
1998Microsoft acquires the advertising company LinkExchange for $265 Million USD November 6, 1998.
1998Valve Half-Life a popular FPS game is released November 19, 1998.
1998AOL announces it will acquire Netscape Communications for an estimated value of $4.2 billion November 24, 1998.

Computer History – 1999

1999RIM releases the Blackberry January 19, 1999.
1999@Home buys Excite for $6.7 billion USD January 19, 1999.
1999The TiVo is introduced at the Consumer electronics show in January 1999.
1999Yahoo! buys GeoCities for $3.65 billion USD January 28, 1999.
1999The Victoria’s Secret fashion show becomes the first major webcast on the Internet attracting over 1.5 million visitors on February 5, 1999. Unfortunately not everyone was able to view the webcast because of the popularity.
1999The Intel Pentium III 500 MHz is released on February 26, 1999.
1999IEEE introduced 802.11b.
1999Microsoft releases Windows CE 3.0.
1999RDF Site Summary, the first version of RSS is created by Ramanathan Guha at Netscape in March of 1999.
1999The popular massively multiplayer role-playing game (MMORPG) EverQuest is released March 16, 1999.
1999Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 5.0 in March 18, 1999.
1999The first Wiki is introduces with WikiWikiWeb on March 25, 1999.
1999The Melissa begins infecting computers March 26, 1999 and quickly spreads around the globe over e-mail in hours and becomes one of the fastest spreading viruses in history.
1999The popular sci-fi movie Matrix is released March 31, 1999.
1999RSAC becomes part of ICRA.
1999EVGA is founded.
1999Yahoo purchases Broadcast.com for $5.7 billion April 1, 1999.
1999AMD releases the Slot A processor and slot.
1999Microsoft acquires Access software April 19, 1999.
1999The Intel Pentium III 550 MHz is released on May 17, 1999.
1999Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is released May 19, 1999
1999National Semiconductor announced it will exit the PC processor market. June 30, 1999 – VIA Technologies announces it will acquire Cyrix from National Semiconductor.
1999Apple introduces the Apple Airport and iBook on July 21, 1999.
1999Microsoft introduces WMV with WMV 7.
1999IBM introduces the first Microdrive, the world’s physically smallest hard drive capable of storing 170MB.
1999The Intel Pentium III 600 MHz is released on August 2, 1999.
1999Sony and Philips Electronics introduce SACD.
1999AMD introduces the AMD Athlon processors August 9, 1999.
1999Pyra Labs launches the Internet service Blogger August 23, 1999.
1999The Intel Pentium III 533B and 600B MHz is released on September 27, 1999.
1999Aims Labs goes out of business.
1999Amazon agrees to buy Accept.com, Alexa Internet (Alexa.com), and Exchange.com.
1999AOL purchases Nullsoft Jun 1, 1999.
1999NVIDIA introduces the GPU.
1999802.11i is introduced with WPA encryption.
1999The Melissa e-mail virus begins spreading over the Internet causing an estimated $80 million in damage.
1999Sun Microsystems acquires StarDivision, the developers behind the StarOffice suite of software.
1999Total Entertainment Network renamed to Pogo.com.
1999David Huffman passes away October 7, 1999.
1999The Intel Pentium III Coppermine series is first introduced on October 25, 1999.
1999The D programming language starts development.
1999On December 1, 1999 the most expensive Internet domain name business.com was sold by Marc Ostrofsky for $7.5 Million The domain was later sold on July 26, 2007 again to R.H. Donnelley for $345 Million USD.
1999RIAA sues Napster December 7, 1999.
1999Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com is named Time Person of the Year December 27, 1999.
1999TIME magazine includes Philo Farnsworth in “The TIME 100: The Most Important People of the Century”.

Computer history 2000 to today

2000Computers continue to work and the world doesn’t come to an end on January 1, 2000 as some feared might happen because of the year 2000 bug.
2000A glitch in a computer in the Washing D.C. air traffic control causes a shutdown of air traffic across the U.S. East Coast January 6, 2000.
2000AOL acquires Time Warner and becomes AOL Time Warner
2000Microsoft Bill Gates relinquishes his title as CEO to Microsoft President Steve Ballmer on January 13, 2000.
2000The domain twitter.com comes online January 21, 2000.
2000EA releases The Sims, the best-selling PC game in history February 04, 2000.
2000CNR is introduced by Intel February 07, 2000.
2000Microsoft Windows 2000 was released February 17, 2000.
2000U.S. Judge Thomas Penfield announced today after over 2-years in the court that Microsoft be split into two companies although will remain intact until the appeals process is exhausted.
2000VeriSign agrees to acquire Network Solutions for $21 billion on March 7, 2000.
2000On March 10, 2000 NASDAQ hits its record high and marks the turning point of the dot-com boom.
2000Perl 5.6 is released March 22, 2000.
2000Microsoft Pocket PC 2000 is introduced April 19, 2000.
2000The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act becomes effective April 21, 2000.
2000ATI introduces their Radeon product line on April 24, 2000.
2000Young Filipino students releases the ILOVEYOU e-mail virus that begins infecting computers and spreading over the Internet starting on May 4, 2000. The virus becomes one of the most costly viruses ever, estimated causing over $10 billion dollars in damage because of the steps involved in cleaning a computer after it has been infected.
2000Donald Davies passes away May 28, 2000 (age 76)
2000On June 24, 2000 U.S. President Bill Clinton makes the first ever Presidential webcast among the announcements President Bill Clinton announces a new web site that will be able to search all government resources.
2000Jack Kilby is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
2000ATA-5 is approved by ANSI.
2000Google announces it has indexed over one billion pages making it the Internet’s largest search engine.
2000Microsoft releases Windows ME June 19, 2000.
2000Microsoft introduces C# to the public in June 2000.
2000For the first time more than half of the households in America have Internet access on August 17, 2000 according to Nielsen.
2000AT&T announces in October it will restructure over the next two years into a family of separate publicly held companies: AT&T Wireless, AT&T Broadband, and AT&T.
2000Steve Wozniak is inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in September 2000.
2000Google launches Google AdWords with 350 customers in October of 2000.
2000Bill Shepherd, Yuri Gidzenko and Sergei Krikalev become the first to enter the International Space Station November 2, 2000 in what later becomes the longest continuously inhabited spacecraft.
2000Microsoft release DirectX 8, November 9, 2000.
2000The site egghead.com announces December 22, 2000 its site was hacked and that around 3.5 million customers credit cards were exposed.
2001Microsoft announces on January 1, 2001 Windows 95 is now a legacy item and will no longer be sold or shipped to any more customers.
2001January 02, 2001 – Intel announced that it will recall its 1.13 GHz Pentium III processors due to a glitch. Users with these processors should contact their vendors for additional information about the recall.
2001Linus Torvalds releases version 2.4 of the Linux Kernel source code on January 4th.
2001William Hewlett passes away January 12, 2001 (age 88)
2001The domain wikipedia.org comes online January 13, 2001.
2001Wikipedia is founded on January 15, 2001.
2001Herbert Simon passes away February 9, 2001 (age 85)
2001Google acquires its first public acquisition: Deaj.com’s Usenet Service on February 13, 2001, which later becomes Google groups.
2001Claude Elwood Shannon passes away on February 24, 2001 (age 85)
2001UsRobotics introduces the V.92 modem standard February 27, 2001.
2001Napster reaches over 26 million users February 2001.
2001The man who practically invented the Silicon Valley success story, Hewlett-Packard Co. co-founder William Hewlett, dies at his home, he was 87.
2001Chip-making giant Intel has agreed to acquire Xircom Inc., a maker of mobile computing gear, for about $748 million.
2001Claude Elwood Shannon, the mathematician who laid the foundation of modern information theory while working at Bell Labs in the 1940s, died on February 24, 2001. He was 85.
2001Electronic Arts purchases Pogo.com in March 2001.
2001On March 08, 2001 AOL membership surpasses 28 Million.
2001The Mir Russian Space station reenters Earth’s atmosphere March 23, 2001 and breaks up after 15-years in space.
2001The HyperTransport standard is introduced.
2001The Code Red worm begins infecting Windows computers in July 2001 with the intention of performing a DDoS attack on the White House government web page. The worm is estimated in causing $2 billion in damages and never succeeded in it’s attack.
2001Jan de Wit aka OnTheFly is convicted for the Anna Kournikova virus May 27, 2001.
2001Nathan Rochester passes away June 8, 2001 (age 82)
2001Bram Cohen introduces BitTorrent on a public message board July 2, 2001.
2001Google Image Search is introduced offering access to 250 million images in July.
2001Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 6.0 in August 27, 2001.
2001Compaq introduces the Compaq Presario line of computers August 27, 2001.
2001The CDDB is officially renamed to Gracenote.
2001Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.0 code named Cheetah and becomes available March 24, 2001.
2001March 09, McAfee releases first handheld virus protection software.
2001After 21 years of selling hard drives, Quantum sells its hard drive business to Maxtor to turn its full attention to higher-level storage products and services March 31, 2001.
2001April 20, Dell computers becomes the largest PC maker.
2001June 5, 2001, Nevada becomes the first U.S. state to vote to legalize online gambling.
2001Airlines begin to implement methods of gaining Internet access while flying.
2001Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.1 code named Puma and becomes available on September 25, 2001.
2001USB 2.0 is introduced.
2001Microsoft announces April 11, 2001 that it will no longer include Clippy with future releases of Microsoft Office.
2001July 20, 2001 – PC shipments worst since 1986, as only Dell grows.
2001Egghead files for Bankruptcy protection on August 18, 2001.
2001SATA 1.0 is introduced in August 2001.
2001AST Computers goes out of business and stops selling computers.
2001Hewlett Packard announces plans to buy Compaq on September 6, 2001.
2001Apple introduces the iPod and it goes on sell October 23, 2001.
2001On October 9, 2001 AMD announces a new branding scheme. Instead of identifying processors by their clock speed the AMD XP will bear monikers of 1800+, 1700+, 1600+ and 1500+, with each lower model number representing a lower clock speed.
2001Microsoft Windows XP home and professional editions are released October 25, 2001.
2001Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Version 2002) for Itanium systems is released.
2001IBM starts the Eclipse project.
2001The domain Stumbleupon.com comes online November 4, 2001.
2001Microsoft releases the original Xbox game console November 15, 2001.
2001Dean Kamen unveils the Segway December 3, 2001.
2001The “Goner” virus is first discovered December 4, 2001 and ends up costing an estimated eighty-million dollars in damage.
2001Rhapsody is released in December of 2001.
2001In December 2001 the Google search engine is now indexing three billion web documents.
2002In February 2002 Google releases its first hardware device called the Google Search Appliance.
2002Excite@Home, one of the largest ISP’s files for bankruptcy and closes its doors March, 02, 2002.
2002Gentoo is released March 31, 2002.
2002Approximately 1 billion PCs have been shipped worldwide since the mid-’70s, according to a study released by consulting firm Gartner.
2002Jan de Wit aka OnTheFly is convicted May 1, 2002 for the Anna Kournikova virus.
2002Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones is released May 16, 2002.
2002Napster files for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 3, 2002.
2002WorldCom the Number 2 long-distance telephone and data service company files for bankruptcy June 21, 2002.
2002PCI Express is approved as standard.
2002Perl 5.8 is released July 18, 2002.
2002The first Trackback is used on Movable Type.
2002Edsger Dijkstra passes away August 6, 2002 (age 72)
2002Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.2 code named Jaguar and becomes available on August 23, 2002.
2002Cartoon turtle named “Dewie” introduced to help promote Internet safety and security.
2002Geoffrey Dummer passes away September 9, 2002 (age 93)
2002The first of code that would later become Mozilla Firefox is made available September 23, 2002.
2002PayPal is acquired by eBay on October 3, 2002.
2002Keith Uncapher passes away October 10, 2002 (age 80)
2002Iomega discontinues the Jaz drive.
2002Roxio acquires the Napster name and logo in a bankruptcy auction on November 25, 2002.
2002Hitachi closes deal to purchase IBM’s hard drive operation for $2.05 billion.
2002Microsoft releases DirectX 9, December 19, 2002.
2002In December 2002 Google introduces Froogle, which allows users to search for stuff to buy.
2003The Slammer worm is first released in January 2003 and becomes the fastest spreading worm in history after infecting hundreds of thousands of computers in less than three hours.
2003The space shuttle Columbia explodes fifteen minutes before it is scheduled to land on February 1, 2003, resulting in the death of all seven crew members.
2003Google acquires Blogger February 17, 2003.
2003PCMCIA announces the development of a new standard codenamed NEWCARD on February 19, 2003.
2003Roger Needham passes away March 1, 2003 (age 68)
2003Supreme court rules that sex offenders information and pictures can be posted online on March 3, 2003.
2003Intel Pentium M is introduced in March.
2003Adam Osborne passes away March 18, 2003 (age 64)
2003Puppy Linux is introduced.
2003SCO files a $1 billion USD lawsuit against IBM March 6, 2003 for allegedly devaluing its version of UNIX by contributing its intellectual property to the codebase of Linux.
2003Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Version 2003) for Itanium 2 systems is released on March 28, 2003.
2003Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is released March 28, 2003.
2003The first computer is infected with the Spybot worm on April 16, 2003.
2003Apple opens the iTunes store April 28, 2003.
2003Edgar Codd passes away April 18, 2003 (age 80)
2003The first D Conference is held in May.
2003The H.264 standard is completed in May 2003.
2003Internet site LinkedIn launches May 5, 2003.
2003Yahoo! acquires Overture for $1.63 billion June 14, 2003.
2003The game Second Life is released June 23, 2003.
2003Windows Mobile 2003 on June 23, 2003
2003The Safari Internet browser is released June 30, 2003.
2003The Mozilla Foundation is officially formed on July 15, 2003.
2003The Internet VoIP service Skype goes public August 29, 2003.
2003Valve introduces Steam September 12, 2003.
2003Intel announces the new BTX form factor.
2003Apple adds iTunes support for Microsoft Windows computers October 17, 2003
2003On October 24, 2003 the Sober computer worm is first discovered, a computer worm written in Visual Basic and distributed through e-mail.
2003Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.3 code named Panther October 25, 2003.
2003ImageShack comes online in November 2003.
2003Enhanced Versatile Disc (EVD) standard is announced on November 18, 2003 as a planned replacement for DVD.
2003Eugene Kleiner passes away November 20, 2003 (age 80)
2003President George W. Bush signs CAN-SPAM into law December 16, 2003, establishing the first United States’ standards for sending commercial e-mail.
2003Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2003 is released on December 18, 2003.
2003Google releases Google Print in December 2003, which later becomes Google Book Search.
2004MySpace official site is launched January 2004.
2004Google jumps into the Social Networking with the release of Orkut in January 2004.
2004The Mydoom computer virus with 250,000 infected computer begin to dos attack the SCO site February 1, 2004.
2004In February 2004 Google is now indexing six billion items, including 4.28 billion web pages and 880 million images.
2004Mark Zuckerberg launches Thefacebook February 4, 2004, which later becomes Facebook
2004WPA2 begins being used.
2004The photo sharing site Flickr is launched in March of 2004.
2004Comcast purchases TechTV March 25, 2004 to form G4TechTV.
2004Google announces Gmail on April 1, 2004. Many people take it as an April Fools joke.
2004PC Maker Gateway closes all its retail stores April 2, 2004.
2004Lindows changes it’s name to Linspire April 14, 2004.
2004Kelkea purchases the assets of MAPS.
2004The Cabir aka SymbOS/Cabir virus and fist known cell phone virus is discovered June 14, 2004 and is capable of spreading to other Symbian phones over Bluetooth.
2004The first five reported killed in South Waziristan by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) June 18, 2004.
2004Bob Bemer passes away June 22, 2004 (age 84)
2004Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.4 code named Tiger at the WWDC on June 28, 2004.
2004Apple introduces AirPlay.
2004Intel starts the development of the BTX form factor.
2004COPPA goes into effect July 1, 2004.
2004Google acquires Picasa.
2004Google’s initial public offering (IPO) of 19,605,052 shares becomes available at $85 a share August 18, 2004.
2004Google now has more than 100 domains.
2004Bob Evans passes away September 2, 2004 (age 77)
2004Alain Glavieux passes away September 24, 2004 (age 55)
2004Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 is released on October 12, 2004.
2004Internet site Yelp is launched on October 13, 2004.
2004Google acquires Keyhole in October 2004, which later becomes Google Earth.
2004The first release of Ubuntu is released October 20, 2004.
2004Firefox 1.0 is first introduced on November 9, 2004.
2004Blizzard‘s World of Warcraft game, the most popular and successful MMORPG is released November 23, 2004.
2004Google now indexes 8 billion web pages.
2004IBM sells its computing division to Lenovo Group for $1.75 billion on December 08, 2004.
2004David Wheeler passes away December 13, 2004 (age 77)
2005Jeffrey Parson aka T33kid is convicted January 1, 2005 for the Blaster computer worm.
2005SBC announced it would purchase AT&T for more than $16 Billion USD January 31, 2005.
2005Google Maps is launched February 8, 2005.
2005Lenovo completes the acquisition of IBM‘s Personal Computing Division.
2005YouTube is founded and comes online February 15, 2005.
2005Google acquires Urchin in March 2005, which later becomes Google Analytics.
2005Verizon introduces FiOS.
2005Yahoo announces that it will acquire the popular photo service Flickr on March 21, 2005.
2005Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) is introduced March 22, 2005.
2005The first YouTube video entitled “Me at the zoo” is uploaded April 23, 2005 by Jawed Karim.
2005Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition is released on April 24, 2005.
2005George Dantzig passes away May 13, 2005 (Age: 91)
2005Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is released May 19, 2005.
2005Google introduces its Personalized Homepage in May 2005, which is now known as iGoogle.
2005Apple announces it plans on switching its computer to the Intel processors June 6, 2005.
2005Eiichi Goto passes away June 12, 2005 (age 74)
2005Jack Kilby passes away June 20, 2005 (age 82)
2005Microsoft announces it’s next operating system, codenamed “Longhorn” will be named Windows Vista on July 23, 2005.
2005IBM officially announces on July 14, 2005 that all sales of OS/2 will end on December 23, 2005 and that all support from IBM for OS/2 will end on December 16, 2005.
2005MySpace is purchased by News Corporation for $580 Million US on July 18, 2005.
2005On September 12, 2005 eBay acquired Skype for approximately $2.6billion.
2005The Pandora Internet Radio service is launched August 25, 2005.
2005Google hires DARPA veteran Vint Cerf September 2005 to carry on his quest for a global open Internet.
2005Google releases Google Analytics in November 2005.
2005TeamViewer is founded.
2005Microsoft releases the Xbox 360, the second generation of their popular game console November 16, 2005.
2005Adobe completes its acquisition of Macromedia on December 3, 2005.
2005Yahoo! buys del.icio.us for $20 million December 12, 2005.
2005Maxtor is acquired by Seagate Technology December 21, 2005.
2005Forrest Parry passes away December 31, 2005 (Age 84)
2006The blu-ray is first announced and introduced at the 2006 CES on January 4, 2006.
2006On January 5, 2006 Intel introduces the Intel Core and Viiv.
2006Google introduces Picasa.
2006On March 2, 2006 Wikipedia volunteers create the article that passes the 1,000,000 article mark.
2006Google announces acquisition of Writely in March 2006, which becomes the basis for Google Docs.
2006Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter posts the first Twitter post “Just setting up my twttr” on his account March 21, 2006.
2006Toshiba releases the first HD DVD player in Japan on March 31, 2006.
2006Apple announces Boot Camp, which will allow users to run Windows XP on their computers April 5, 2006.
2006Google launches Google Calendar in April 2006.
2006Enid Mumford passes away April 7, 2006 (age 82)
2006Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E6320 (4M Cache, 1.86 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) April 22, 2006.
2006Dell purchases Alienware May 8, 2006.
2006Toshiba releases the first HD DVD player in a computer computer with the introduction of the Toshiba Qosmio 35 on May 16, 2006.
2006Alan Kotok passes away May 26, 2006 (age 65)
2006Twttr, now known as Twitter is officially launched July 15, 2006.
2006Intel introduces the Intel Core 2 Duo processors with the Core 2 Duo Processor E6300 (2M Cache, 1.86 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) July 27, 2006.
2006The Intel Core 2 Extreme is first released on July 29, 2006.
2006On August 6, 2006 MySpace announces its 106 millionth account was created.
2006Amazon.com opens AWS.
2006Skype announced that it had over 100 million registered users.
2006The Microsoft XNA tool set is released August 30, 2006.
2006Bernard Galler passes away September 4, 2006 (age 78)
2006HP announces its plans to purchase the PC maker VoodooPC September 28, 2006.
2006The GIF standard and pictures becomes officially free on October 1, 2006.
2006Google announces plans to purchase YouTube for 1.65 Billion on October 9, 2006.
2006Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 is introduced October 18, 2006.
2006Google launches its Custom Search Engine service October 23, 2006.
2006U.S. President George W. Bush signs the USA Patriot Act into law October 26, 2006, giving law enforcement reduced restrictions on searching telephone, e-mail, and other forms of communication and records.
2006Google acquires JotSpot October 31, 2006, which later becomes Google Sites.
2006Sony releases the PlayStation 3 November 11, 2006.
2006On November 14, 2006 Microsoft released its portable Zune media player.
2006Nintendo releases the Wii November 19, 2006.
2006Microsoft introduces exFAT in November 2006.
2006Microsoft releases Microsoft Windows Vista to corporations on November 30, 2006.
2006Alan F. Shugart passes away December 12, 2006 (age 76)
2006TIME magazine names “You” as the person of the year December 13, 2006, with the continued growth and success of community driven websites and content.
2006Google introduces Patent search December 13, 2006, which searches over 7 million patents.
2007AMD releases the DTX motherboard form factor in January 2007.
2007Apple announces in January 1, 2007 that it will drop computer from its name as it becomes a company who deals with more than computers.
2007Apple introduces the iPhone to the public at the January 9, 2007 Macworld Conference & Expo.
2007Douglas Ross passes away January 21, 2007 (age 78)
2007Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4300 (2M Cache, 1.80 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) January 21, 2007.
2007Dropbox is founded.
2007Microsoft releases Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007 to the general public January 30, 2007.
2007Estonia becomes the first country to conduct an election over the Internet March 4, 2007
2007John Backus passes away March 17, 2007 (age 83)
2007Adobe introduces Adobe AIR on March 19, 2007.
2007Apple announces it will begin selling DRM-Free songs April 2, 2007.
2007Google announces it will be purchasing DoubleClick for $3.1 billion in cash.
2007Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4400 (2M Cache, 2.00 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) April 22, 2007.
2007Theodore Maiman passes away May 5, 2007 (age 80)
2007Google releases Google Trends on May 22, 2007.
2007Google releases Google Street View May 25, 2007 that allows visitors of Google Maps to view of an area looks like
2007Data Robotics introduces the Drobo in June.
2007DDR3 is introduced.
2007Apple releases the Apple iPhone to the public June 29, 2007.
2007Donald Michie passes away July 7, 2007 (age 84).
2007The Apple iPhone Jailbreaking method is introduced to the public on July 10, 2007.
2007Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4500 (2M Cache, 2.20 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) July 22, 2007.
2007The Internet domain name business.com is sold on July 26, 2007 to R.H. Donnelley for $345 Million USD.
2007David Morse passes away November 2, 2007 (age 64)
2007Google releases Android November 5, 2007.
2007Microsoft renames their SMS to SCCM in November 2007.
2007The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is introduced to the public November 16, 2007.
2007Amazon.com releases the first Kindle in the United States November 19, 2007.
2007Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4600 (2M Cache, 2.40 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) October 21, 2007.
2007Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.5 code named Leopard October 26, 2007.
2007Steve Jobs is inducted into the California Hall of Fame on December 5, 2007.
2008Acer officially acquires Packard Bell January 31, 2008.
2008The HD player war comes to an end when HD DVD calls it quit, making Blu-ray the victor on February 19, 2008.
2008Microsoft release the WorldWide Telescope (WWT) program February 27, 2008.
2008AOL ends support for the Netscape Internet browser March 1, 2008.
2008Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E4700 (2M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 800 MHz FSB) March 2, 2008.
2008The Hulu website is released to the Public March 12, 2008.
2008Arthur C. Clark passes away March 19, 2008 (age 91)
2008Intel releases the Core 2 Duo E7200 (3M Cache, 2.53 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) on April 20, 2008.
2008Arthur Walter Burks passes away May 14, 2008 (age 93)
2008Apple introduces Mac OS X 10.6 code named Snow Leopard and MobileMe at the WWDC on June 9, 2008.
2008XM and Sirius complete their merger.
2008The ATSC approves H.264 to be broadcast over television in July 2008.
2008Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7300 (3M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) August 10, 2008.
2008Apple introduces its latest line of Apple iMac computers on August 28, 2008.
2008Google releases the beta version of Chrome September 2, 2008.
2008Leonard Kleinrock is awarded the National Medal of Science on September 29, 2008.
2008Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7400 (3M Cache, 2.80 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) October 19, 2008.
2008After completing their merger XM and Sirius begin broadcasting both services as one November 12, 2008.
2008The first Intel i7 is released to the public in November of 2008.
2008Google releases the first public version of Chrome December 11, 2008.
2009Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7500 (3M Cache, 2.93 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) January 18, 2009
2009Google voice, based on GrandCentral is launched March 11, 2009.
2009Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is introduced March 19, 2009.
2009Apple removes support for AppleTalk in August 28, 2009 with its introduction of Mac OS X v10.6 that also is the first version of the Mac OS that no longer supports PowerPC processors.
2009Google announces plans to acquire reCAPATCHA.
2009Facebook overtakes MySpace in Internet traffic.
2009The Minecraft game is released.
2009Intel releases the Core2 Duo Processor E7600 (3M Cache, 3.06 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) May 31, 2009
2009Microsoft launches the Bing search engine June 3, 2009.
2009The analog TV signal begins to be phased out as broadcasts moved to high-definition on June 12, 2009
2009CompuServe shuts down July 1, 2009.
2009Google announces the Google Chrome OS July 7, 2009.
2009After more than five years in beta, Gmail finally gets out of beta July 7, 2009.
2009On July 29, 2009 Yahoo! and Microsoft announced a 10-year search deal where the Yahoo! search would be replaced by Bing.
2009Microsoft releases Virtual PC September 19, 2009.
2009Microsoft releases MSE on September 30, 2009.
2009Microsoft releases Windows 7 October 22, 2009.
2009Amir Pnueli passes away November 2, 2009 (age 68)
2009Steve Jobs is named CEO of the decade by Fortune Magazine November 5, 2009.
2009Palm introduces WebOS.
2009Andrew Booth passes away November 29, 2009 (age 91)
2009USB 3.0 begins being released in November of 2009.
2009The first Barnes & Noble Nook is released November 30, 2009.
2009Alexander L’vovich Brudno passes away December 1, 2009 (age 91)
2009Rocket Software acquires Folio and NXT from Microsoft December 2.
2009Borje Langefors passes away December 13, 2009 (age 94)
2010Apple introduces the iPad on January 27, 2010.
2010Google Buzz is released February 9, 2010.
2010Apple announces over 10 billion tracks have been downloaded from iTunes.
2010Ed Roberts passes away April 1, 2010 (age 68).
2010Hewlett Packard purchased the Palm company, and the rights to WebOS, in April 2010.
2010Alexander (Sandy) Shafto Douglas passes away April 29, 2010 (age 89)
2010Stuxnet worm is first discovered.
2010Apple introduces the iPhone 4 on June 24, 2010.
2010Woot.com announces it has signed an agreement to be acquired by Amazon.com June 30, 2010.
2010Carl Petri passes away July 2, 2010 (age 84)
2010Amazon releases a press release July 19, 2010 mentioning it is now selling more Kindle books than hardcover books.
2010The Document Foundation releases LibreOffice September 28, 2010.
2010Intel releases the AHCI specification in October 2010.
2010Microsoft announces plans to release Windows Phone 7 October 11, 2010.
2010First all-robotic surgery performed at Montreal General Hospital October 13, 2010.
2010OpenStack is established.
2010MachinimaSports becomes the 1 billionth subscriber on YouTube October 28, 2010.
2010United States Cyber Command achieves full operational capability November 5, 2010.
2010Planet Calypso a virtual planet in the game Entropia becomes the most valuable virtual item selling for $635,000.00 USD November 12, 2010.
2010Microsoft first releases the Kinect for the Xbox 360 in November 4, 2010.
2010Maurice Wilkes passes away November 29, 2010 (age 97)
2010Mark Zuckerberg is named TIME Person of the Year 2010.
2011Intel Sandy Bridge processor is released on January 9, 2011.
2011Watson, an IBM Super computer beats the two best human Jeopardy players in a three day event with a score greater than the two human players combined on February 16, 2011.
2011Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 9 March 14, 2011.
2011Jean Bartik passes away March 23, 2011 (Age 87)
2011Microsoft announces plans on May 10, 2011 to acquire Skype for $8.5 billion in cash.
2011Microsoft introduces Office 365 June 28, 2011.
2011On June 29, 2011 Newscorp sells MySpace to Specific Media L.L.C for $35 million, around $473 Million less than it initially paid for it.
2011On August 18, 2011 Hewlett Packard announces an interest in selling its Personal Systems Group, including WebOS.
2011Steve Jobs resigns as Apple’s CEO due to health reasons on August 24, 2011.
2011Tony Sale passes away on August 28, 2011 (age 80)
2011Einar Stefferud passes away on September 22, 2011 (age 81)
2011Steve Jobs passes away on October 5, 2011 (age 56)
2011Dennis Ritchie passes away on October 12, 2011 (age 70)
2011John McCarthy passes away October 24, 2011 (Age 84)
2012Jack Tramiel passes away on April 8, 2012 (age 84)
2012Google and several other companies migrate to IPv6 on June 6, 2012.
2012Pinterest is made available to everyone August 10, 2012.


依据: 《软件工程知识体系指南(2004版-中文翻译版本)》 

     《Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge-2004 Version》(《SWEBOK》)

软件需求/Software Requirements








软件设计/Software Design







软件构造/Software Construction




软件测试/Software Testing







软件维护/Software Maintance





软件配置管理/Software Configuration Management







软件工程管理/Software Engineering Management







软件工程过程/Software Engineering Process





软件工程工具和方法/Software Engineering Tools and Methods















软件质量/Software Quality




相关学科/Knowledges Areas of the Related Disciplines

  计算机工程/Computer Engineering

  计算机科学/Computer Science



  项目管理/Project Management

  质量管理/Quality Management

 软件人类工程学/Software Ergonomics

  系统工程/System Engineering

   看着这当中许许多多的陌生名词,我知道自己想成为一名优秀的软件工程师, 还有很长很长的路要走啊!

ACM Publications(ACM 出版物)

ACM Publications 

Transactions on Autonomous Adaptive Systems    TAAS 
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS) is a venue for high quality research contributions addressing foundational, engineering, and technological aspects of complex computing systems exhibiting autonomous and adaptive behavior. TAAS encourages contributions advancing the state of the art in the understanding, development, and control of such systems. Contributions are typically based on sound theoretical models and supported by proper experimentations/validations.  
Transactions on the Web    TWEB 
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB) is a journal reporting the results of research on Web content, applications, use, and related enabling techologies. Topics in the scope of TWEB include but are not limited to the following: Browsers and Web Interfaces; Electronic Commerce; Electronic Publishing; Hypertext and Hypermedia; Semantic Web; Web Engineering; Web Services and Services Computing; XML In addition, papers addressing the intersection of the following broader technlogies with the Web are also in scope: Accessibility; Education; Knowledge Management and Representation; Mobility and pervasive computing; Performance and scalability; Searching, Indexing, Classification, Retrieval and Querying, Data Mining and Analysis; Security and Privacy User Interfaces. Papers discussing specific Web technologies, applications, content generation and management and use are within scope. Also, papers describing novel applications of the web as well as papers on the underlying technologies are welcome.  
Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data    TKDD 
Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD covers areas such as scalable and effective algorithms for data mining and data warehousing, mining data streams, mining multi-media data, mining high-dimensional data, mining text, Web, and semi-structured data, mining spatial and temporal data, data mining for community generation, social network analysis, and graph structured data, security and privacy issues in data mining, visual, interactive and online data mining, pre-processing and post-processing for data mining, robust and scalable statistical methods, data mining languages, foundations of data mining, KDD framework and process, and novel applications and infrastructures exploiting data mining technology. TKDD encourages papers that explore the above subjects in the context of large distributed networks of computers, parallel or multiprocessing computers, or new data devices. TKDD also encourages papers that describe emerging data mining applications that cannot be satisfied by the current data mining technology.  
Journal on Data and Information Quality    JDIQ 
Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) welcomes research contributions on the following areas, but not limited to: Information Quality in the Enterprise Context; Database related technical solutions for Information Quality; Information Quality in the context of Computer Science and Information Technology; and Information Curation. JDIQ accepts research conducted using a wide variety of methods ranging from positivists to interpretive methods, systems building descriptions, and database theory, as well as statistical analysis, mathematical modeling, quasi experimental methods, hermeneutics, action research, and case study. JDIQ accepts diverse research methods that are customary in different research backgrounds and traditions, both quantitative and qualitative.  
Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems    TRETS 
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) covers reconfigurable technology, systems, and applications on reconfigurable computers. This journal focused on research in, on, and with reconfigurable systems and on the underlying technology (which is currently that of FPGAs but could include other approaches involving an adaptable fabric) that supports these systems for computing or other applications. The scope, rationale, and coverage by other journals are often limited to particular aspects of reconfigurable technology or reconfigurable systems. TRETS will be a journal that covers reconfigurability in its own right.  
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage    JOCCH 
The print will constitute an entire volume at the end of the year.  
Transactions on Accessible Computing    TACCESS 
Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) is of particular interest to individuals with special needs and provide tools and resources to alleviate the traditional barriers encountered by persons with disabilities. For example, speech generation systems have assisted persons with visual impairments and blindness, voice recognition has helped people with motor impairments, and multi-modal presentations have been shown to be effective in helping people with learning disabilities. These issues and those yet to emerge will be addressed in TACCESS.  
Transactions on Computation Theory    ToCT 
The ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (ToCT) is a new quarterly peer-reviewed journal with an emphasis on computational complexity, foundations of cryptography and other computation-based topics in theoretical computer science.  
Evolutionary Computation    EVCO 
Evolutionary Computation provides an international forum for facilitating and enhancing the exchange of information among researchers involved in both the theoretical and practical aspects of computational systems of an evolutionary nature. The journal publishes both theoretical and practical developments of computational systems drawing their inspiration from nature, with particular emphasis on evolutionary algorithms (EAs), including, but not limited to, genetic algorithms (GAs), evolution strategies (ESs), evolutionary programming (EP), genetic programming (GP), classifier systems (CSs), and other natural computation techniques.  
ACM Inroads    ACM Inroads 
ACM Inroads is a magazine intended for professionals interested in advancing computing education in the world. Authors represent an international community of scholars who reflect and contribute to the computing profession. In addition to invited editorials and columns, authors may contribute to technical papers in standard or extended formats, bits-and-bytes, letters to the editor, and other peripheral information affecting computing educational communities. The focus of the publication is to generate new inroads in theory and practice affecting a worldwide community of computing educators that fosters dialogue, cooperation, and collaboration  
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) publishes the highest quality papers on intelligent systems, applicable algorithms and technology with a multi-disciplinary perspective. An intelligent system is one that uses artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to offer important services (e.g., as a component of a larger system) to allow integrated systems to perceive, reason, learn, and act intelligently in the real world.  
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (ACM TMIS) publishes the highest quality papers about the design, development, assessment, and management of information technology and systems within organizations, businesses, and societies. In addition to traditional management and behavioral MIS research, ACM TMIS strongly encourages submissions of high-quality system and design science research, as well as submissions in emerging MIS multidisciplinary research topics that may span several traditional academic disciplines.  
Communications of the ACM    CACM 
Communications of the ACM is the leading print and online magazine for the computing and information technology fields. Communications is recognized as the most trusted and knowledgeable source of industry information for today’s computing professional. Communications brings its readership in-depth coverage of emerging areas of computer science, new trends in Information Technology, and practical applications. Industry leaders use Communications as a platform to present and debate various technology implications, public policies, engineering challenges, and market trends. The prestige and unmatched reputation that Communications of the ACM enjoys today is built upon a 50-year commitment to high quality editorial content and a steadfast dedication to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology.  
Computing Reviews    CREV 
Computing Reviews is the leading review journal for literature in the computing field. The ACM staff scans thousands of books, proceedings and conference papers each year, selecting the most important contributions for candid, forthright review by specialists in all areas of computing. Comparative reviews spotlight the most important books on a subject, comparing their coverage and helping professionals choose the work that fits their need. CR is especially valuable for busy people, who don’t have time to read everything written in their fields.  
Computing Surveys    CSUR 
These comprehensive, readable tutorials and survey papers give guided tours through the literature and explain topics to those who seek to learn the basics of areas outside their specialties. The carefully planned and presented introductions in Computing Surveys are also an excellent way for professionals to develop perspectives on, and identify trends in complex technologies. Recent issues have covered image understanding, software reusability, and object and relational database topics.  
interactions    interactions 
The human-built world can afford a sense of beauty, sublimity, and resonance, and through our advancements in technology can come advances in society. At the center of these advances are interactions – conversations, connections, collaborations, and relationships–within and across multiple disciplines, with and without technology. interactions magazine includes timely articles, stories, and content related to the interactions between experiences, people, and technology.  
Journal of the ACM    JACM 
The Journal of the ACM serves as a venue for careful presentation of theoretical research in the core areas of computing: complexity of algorithms, computer architecture, system modeling, AI, data structures, database theory and graph theory, to name a few. The authors are world class scientists, writing to other scientists about advances, methods and findings behind the fundamentals.  
Mobile Networks    Monet 
MONET features Special Issues, thus placing an equal emphasis on the various areas of nomadic computing, data management, related software and hardware technologies, and mobile user services, alongside the more “classical” topics in wireless and mobile networking. The journal documents practical and theoretical results which make a fundamental contribution, in areas such as: Nomadic computing, applications and services supporting the mobile user. Design and analysis of algorithms for online and mobile environments. Protocols to cope with mobility, limited bandwidth, intermittent connectivity. Data management Issues in mobile environments. Mobile and wireless networks and their architectures. Mobile node/host architectures. Mobility management, mobile agent and proxy architectures. Solutions for portable, mobile and roaming services.  
Transactions on Information & System Security    TISSEC 
This addition to ACM’s Transactions Series is devoted to the study, analysis, and application of information and system security. TISSEC will begin as a paper-based journal, but will evolve into an electronic publication. The editorial board is committed to a turnaround time comparable to research conferences while ensuring archival journal quality. Topics include: Security Technologies: authentication; authorization models and mechanisms; auditing and intrusion detection; cryptographic algorithms, protocols, services, and infrastructure;recovery and survivable operation; risk analysis; assurance including cryptanalysis and formal methods; penetration technologies including viruses, Trojan horses, spoofing,sniffing, cracking, and covert channels, Secure Systems: secure operating systems, database systems and networks; secure distributed systems including security middleware; secure web browsers, servers, and mobile code; specialized secure systems for specific application areas; interoperability, and composition. Security Applications: threats, system tradeoffs, and unique needs of applications; representative application areas include information systems, workflow, electronic commerce, electronic cash, copyright and intellectual property protection, telecommunications systems, wireless systems, and health care. Security Policies: confidentiality, integrity, availability, privacy, usage, and survivability policies; tradeoffs, conflicts and synergy among security objectives.  
Transactions on Computer Human Interactions    TOCHI 
TOCHI covers the software, hardware and human aspects of interaction with computers. Topics include hardware and software architectures; interactive techniques, metaphors, and evaluation; user interface design processes; and users and groups of users. Those within the artificial intelligence, object-oriented systems, information systems, graphics and software engineering communities, will benefit from the high quality research papers in TOCHI concerning information and ideas directly related to the construction of effective human-computer interfaces.  
Transactions on Computer Systems    TOCS 
TOCS publishes the newest findings of the computingresearch field. Papers published in TOCS are theoretical and conceptual explorations of operating systems, distributed systems and networks. Readers will find design principles, case studies and experimental results in specification, processor management, memory and communication management, implementation techniques and protocols. TOCS also discusses security and reliability, and offers experience-based papers on all these topics.  
Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Sys.    TODAES 
Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) is a new CAD publication emphasizing a computer science/engineering orientation. TODAES contains a varied array of article formats, including research papers, tutorial and survey papers, as well as short technical notes. Let this new reference tool be your pulse to the rapidly changing field of design technology of electronic systems.  
Transactions on Database Systems    TODS 
Heavily used in both academic and corporate R&D settings, TODS is a key publication for computer scientists working in data abstraction, data modeling, and designing data management systems. Topics include storage and retrieval, transaction management, distributed and federated databases, semantics of data, intelligent databases, and operations and algorithms relating to these areas. In this rapidly changing field, TODS provides insights into the thoughts of the best minds in database R&D  
Transactions on Graphics    TOG 
In the colorful pages of TOG, leading researchers discuss breakthroughs in computer-aided design, synthetic image generation, rendering, solid modeling and other areas. “Research,” the largest regular section, is necessary intellectual nourishment for anyone implementing graphics systems. The “Practice and Experience” papers and the “Interaction Technique Notebook” contain accounts of innovative systems, informative applications and novel user interface ideas.  
Transactions on Information Systems    TOIS 
The broad scope of TOIS appeals to industry practitioners for its wealth of creative ideas, and to academic researchers for its descriptions of their colleagues’ work. Though its scope encompasses all aspects of computerized information systems, TOIS most frequently addresses issues in information retrieval and filtering, information interfaces, and information systems design.  
Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation    TOMACS 
Systems modeling and computer simulation are powerful tools for understanding, and TOMACS is a primary source for research on all aspects of these two areas. Emphasizing discrete event simulation, this journal publishes applications, reviews, and tutorials on such topics as combined, distributed, and hybrid simulation, simulation and computer graphics, process generators, and random number generation.  
Transactions on Mathematical Software    TOMS 
As a scientific journal, TOMS documents the theoretical underpinnings of numeric, symbolic, algebraic, and geometric computing applications. It focuses on analysis and construction of algorithms and programs, and the interaction of programs and architecture. Algorithms documented in TOMS are available as the Collected Algorithms of the ACM in print, on microfiche, on disk, and online.  
Transactions on Networking    TON 
Co-sponsored by ACM and the IEEE Computer Society, TON offers broad coverage of research and experience in network architecture and design, communication protocols, network software and technologies, services and applications, and network operations and management.  
Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems    TOPLAS 
The purpose of the ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) is to present research results on all aspects of the design, definition, implementation, and use of programming languages and programming systems. The scope of TOPLAS includes: programming languages and their semantics; programming systems (systems to assist the programming task, such as compilers, runtime systems, and language environments); storage allocation and garbage collection; languages and methods for writing specifications; testing and verification methods; and algorithms specifically related to the implementation of language processors.  
Transactions on Software Engineering & Methodology    TOSEM 
Designing and building a large, complex software system is a tremendous challenge. TOSEM publishes papers on all aspects of that challenge: specification, design, development and maintenance. It covers tools and methodologies, languages, data structures, and algorithms. TOSEM also reports on successful efforts, noting practical lessons that can be scaled and transferred to other projects, and often looks at applications of innovative technologies. The tone is scholarly but readable; the content is worthy of study; the presentation is effective.  
Wireless Networks    Wireless 
Wireless communication brings fundamental changes to data networking and telecommunications, and makes integrated networks a reality. Wireless Networks focuses on networking and user aspects. Network architecture for personal communications systems, wireless LANs, radio, tactical and other wireless networks, and design and analysis of protocols are addressed on a regular basis.  
Transactions on Computational Logic    TOCL 
This new transactions is devoted to research concerned with all uses of logic in computer science.  
Linux Journal    Linux 
Since 1994, the Linux Journal has been bringing readers the information they need to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of Linux. Inside the issues you will find the latest news, interviews with leading Linux personalities, helpful product reviews, and tutorials that will help both the novice and professional Linux user. The use of Linux is growing at a phenomenal rate, as are kernel changes, the latest applications, open source development, and news from the Linux community. New developments seem to surface every day. Linux Journal helps you keep track of it all. 

International Journal Network Management    IJNM 
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., the International Journal of Network Management is dedicated to the dissemination of practical information which enables readers to manage, operate and maintain communications networks more effectively. Articles and columns for the journal are selected with the intent to facilitate the reader’s evaluation of equipment and systems, to provide a detailed understanding of performance issues, and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of networking approaches that can be used to satisfy an organization’s communications requirements. 

Transactions on Asian Language Infor. Processing    TALIP 
The ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing (TALIP) publishes high quality original archival papers and technical notes in the areas of computation and processing of information in Asian languages and related disciplines. Some of the subjects to be covered by TALIP are: Computational Linguistics; Linguistic Resources; Hardware and software algorithms and tools for Asian language processing; Machine Translation; and Multimedia Asian Information Processing. 

Transactions on Internet Technology    TOIT 
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) is intended to be a multi-disciplinary and definitive scholarly journal on the Internet/Web foundational and application technology and on social issues and public policy for guiding the development and application of the technology 

Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems    TECS 
Embedded computing is not just a dry academic discipline, but one informed by and reponsive to the needs of chalenging world problems. As microprocessors have grown in power and sophistication, technology trends are driving embedded system design to become more of a discipline. 

Personal & Ubiquitous Computing    PAUC 
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing has published some of the most innovative international research contributions on the design and evaluation of new generations of handheld and mobile information appliances. Since 1997 it has provided a global perspective on new developments, uniting technical accounts with studies of the social, cultural and organizational impacts of new personal technologies. The journal has published papers from research groups worldwide and has published special issues taken from leading international meetings. 

Transactions on Applied Perception    TAP 
The ACM Transactions on Applied Perception (TAP) will aim to bridge the gap between perception and computer science, including the disciplines of graphics, vision, acoustics, and haptics. The scope of TAP includes applications and algorithms in any of these fields that incorporate elements of perception, and research into perceptual aspects of sensory integration. The first issue is planned for September of this year. The co-Editors-in-Chief are Erik Reinhard of the University of Central Florida and Henrich Bülthoff of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. 

Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization    TACO 
The ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) will focus on hardware, software, and system research spanning the fields of computer architecture and code optimization. Articles will either present new techniques and concepts or report on experiences and experiments with actual systems. Insights useful to architects, hardware or software developers, designers, builders, and users will be emphasized. The first issue is planned for January 2004. The co-Editors-in-Chief are Brad Calder and Dean Tullsen, both of the University of California, San Diego. 

The International Journal on Very Large Databases    VLDB 
The VLDB Journal is a quarterly journal published by the VLDB Endowment. The journal is dedicated to the publication of scholarly contributions to the advancement of information system architectures, the impact of technological advancements on information systems, and the development of novel database applications. The journal was launched in July 1992. It is now published both in electronic and printed form by Springer-Verlag, beginning with Volume 5 (1996). In addition to its goal as an outlet for high quality and timely research and development results, the journal has two important commitments: – to low cost so that it is widely affordable – to a quick publication of accepted papers, so as to publish the most recent and timely results. High quality and timely publication is achieved by employing a large editorial board of internationally known researchers and a thorough review procedure. Each editor handles a relatively small number of papers at any one time, and can pay more attention to quality and timeliness of reviews. Papers are available electronically to subscribers as soon as they are accepted, regardless of the schedule of the paper version. 

IEEE/ACM Trans on Computational Biology & Bio Informatics    TCBB 
The TCBB is jointly published by the IEEE Computer Society, the Association for Computing Machinery, the IEEE Neural Networks Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. It also is co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society. The new quarterly will cover topics such as the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical and computational methods that are central in bioinformatics and computational biology; the development and testing of effective computer programs in bioinformatics; the development and optimization of biological databases; and biological results that are obtained from the use of these methods programs, and databases. 

Transactions on Algorithms    TALG 
ACM Transactions on Algorithms deal with algorithms that are inherently discrete and finite, and having mathematical content in a natural way, either in the objective or in the analysis; in particular new algorithms and data structures, new and improved analyses, and complexity results. Specific areas of computation covered by the journal include combinatorial searches and objects; counting; discrete optimization and approximation; randomization; parallel and distributed computation; algorithms for graphs, geometry, arithmetic, algebra, number theory, strings; on-line analysis; cryptography; coding; data compression; learning algorithms; methods of algorithmic analysis; and discrete algorithms for application areas such as biology, economics, game theory, communication, computer systems and architecture, hardware design, and scientific computing. This area list will evolve as the research community explores new areas. In addition to original research articles TALG will include special features appearing from time to time such as invited columns and a problems section. 

Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Sys.    JETC 
The Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems(JETC) provides comprehensive coverage of innovative work in the specification, design analysis, simulation, verification, testing, and evaluation of computing systems constructed out of emerging technologies and advanced semiconductors. Topics include, but are not limited to: Logic Primitive Design and Synthesis: how to design computational logic primitives from the new nanotechnologies, and design tools supporting their effective design and verification; System-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis: how to interconnect these computational primitives to build complete information systems, and design tools for specifying, synthesizing, and verifying such systems; Software-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis: how to develop the necessary software so that applications can be effectively mapped onto information systems implemented using these new nanotechnologies, and tools for generating and verifying the software; and Mixed-Technology Systems: how to interface across potentially hybrid nanotechnologies that may co-exist in the same information system. 

Transactions on Sensor Networks    TOSN 
The ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) covers results in the research and applications of distributed, wireless or wireline sensor and actuator networks. As an interdisciplinary field, sensor networks draw upon many disciplines including signal processing, networking and protocols, embedded systems, information management, and distributed algorithms. The areas covered by this journal include, but are not limited to: Applications of sensor and actuator networks; Data storage and query processing; Distributed and collaborative signal processing; Energy and resource management; Fault tolerance and diagnostics; Foundations of sensor networks; Information theory, coding and compression; In-network processing and aggregation; Learning of models from data; Location, time and other infrastructure establishment services; Low-power hardware design; Mobile or actuator systems; Modeling of systems and physical environments; Network protocols, coverage, connectivity, and longevity; Programming models and languages; Sensor fusion and distributed inference; Security, privacy, and data integrity; Scheduling, sensor tasking and control; Simulation tools and environments; and System architectures and operating systems. 

Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Comm & Applications    TOMCAPP 
TOMCCAP covers multimedia computing (I/O devices, OS, storage systems, streaming media middleware, continuous media representations, media coding, media processing, etc.), multimedia communications (real-time protocols, end-to-end streaming media, resource allocation, multicast protocols, etc.), and multimedia applications (databases, distributed collaboration, video conferencing, 3D virtual environments, etc.). 

Transactions on Storage    TOS 
The ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) covers research contributions that introduce new concepts, techniques, analyses, architectures, devices, as well as applied contributions that report on development of new tools and systems or experiences and experiments with high-impact, innovative applications. It include: Sstorage systems architecture, design, and validation; Storage networking; Storage resource management; Replication, backup, and recovery; Operating system and application support; Information lifecycle management (ILM); Storage media and devices; and Theory. 

Established in 1994 and published quarterly, Crossroads is the official ACM magazine for student members. Each issue features a theme, such as “The Social Web” or “Cloud Computing,” and Crossroads brings exciting research trends, interviews, columns, and even career advice articles related to that theme and relevant to computer science students. The magazine also lists major conferences, calls for papers, grants and fellowships, and other useful information to help students make the most of their educational careers. 
