/* 查询数据库 ‘my_table_name’ 所有表注释 */
SELECT TABLE_NAME,TABLE_COMMENT FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema='my_table_name';
2. 要查询表字段的注释
/* 查询数据库 ‘mammothcode’ 下表 ‘my_table_name1’ 所有字段注释 */
SELECT COLUMN_NAME,column_comment,COLUMN_TYPE,COLUMN_DEFAULT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Columns WHERE table_name='my_table_name1' AND table_schema='mammothcode'
3. 一次性查询数据库 “mammothcode” 下表注释以及对应表字段注释
In the first example above, the lime goes from the 0% mark, which is implied, to the 20% mark, transitions from lime to red over the next 10% of the width of the gradient, reach solid red at the 30% mark, and staying solid red up until 45% through the gradient, where it fades to cyan, being fully cyan for 15% of the gradient, and so on.
In the second example, the second color stop for each color is at the same location as the first color stop for the adjacent color, creating a striped effect.
In both examples, the gradient is written twice: the first is the CSS Images Level 3 method of repeating the color for each stop and the second example is the CSS Images Level 4 multiple color stop method of including two color-stop-lengths in a linear-color-stop declaration.
Controlling the progression of a gradient
By default, a gradient evenly progresses between the colors of two adjacent color stops, with the midpoint between those two color stops being the midpoint color value. You can control the interpolation, or progression, between two color stops by including a color hint location. In this example, the color reaches the midpoint between lime and cyan 20% of the way through the gradient rather than 50% of the way through. The second example does not contain the hint to hilight the difference the color hint can make:
Gradients support transparency, so you can stack multiple backgrounds to achieve some pretty fancy effects. The backgrounds are stacked from top to bottom, with the first specified being on top.
Radial gradients are similar to linear gradients, except that they radiate out from a central point. You can dictate where that central point is. You can also make them circular or elliptical.
A basic radial gradient
As with linear gradients, all you need to create a radial gradient are two colors. By default, the center of the gradient is at the 50% 50% mark, and the gradient is elliptical matching the aspect ratio of it’s box:
You can position the center of the gradient with keyterms, percentage, or absolute lengths, length and percentage values repeating if only one is present, otherwise in the order of position from the left and position from the top.
Unlike linear gradients, you can specify the size of radial gradients. Possible values include closest-corner, closest-side, farthest-corner, and farthest-side, with farthest-corner being the default.
Example: closest-side for ellipses
This example uses the closest-side size value, which means the size is set by the distance from the starting point (the center) to the closest side of the enclosing box.
This example is similar to the previous one, except that its size is specified as farthest-corner, which sets the size of the gradient by the distance from the starting point to the farthest corner of the enclosing box from the starting point.
This example uses closest-side, which makes the circle’s size to be the distance between the starting point (the center) and the closest side. The circle’s radius is the distance between the center of the gradient and the closest edge, which due to the positioning of the 25% from the top and 25% from the bottom, is closest to the bottom, since the height in this case is narrower than the width.
The size of the gradient line that repeats is the length between the first color stop value and the last color stop length value. If the last color stop has just a color and no color stop length, the value defaults to 0, meaning the linear gradient will not repeat and the radial gradient will only repeat if the radius of the gradient is smaller than the length between the center of the gradient and the farthest corner.
Repeating linear gradients
This example uses repeating-linear-gradient to create a gradient that progresses repeatedly in a straight line. The colors get cycled over again as the gradient repeats. In this case the gradient line is 10px long.
.repeating-linear {
background: repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, red, red 5px, blue 5px, blue 10px);
Multiple repeating linear gradients
Similar to regular linear and radial gradients, you can include multiple gradients, one on top of the other. This only makes sense if the gradients are partially transparent allowing subsequent gradients to show through the transparent areas, or if you include different background-sizes, optionally with different background-position property values, for each gradient image. We are using transparency.
In this case the gradient lines are 300px, 230px, and 300px long.
To create plaid we include several overlapping gradients with transparency. In the first background declaration we listed every color stop separately. The second background property declaration using the multiple position color stop syntax:
This example uses repeating-radial-gradient to create a gradient that radiates repeatedly from a central point. The colors get cycled over and over as the gradient repeats.
.repeating-radial {
background: repeating-radial-gradient(black, black 5px, white 5px, white 10px);
Multiple repeating radial gradients
.multi-target {
repeating-radial-gradient(ellipse at 80% 50%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5),
rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 15px, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 15px,
rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 30px) top left no-repeat,
repeating-radial-gradient(ellipse at 20% 50%,rgba(0,0,0,0.5),
rgba(0,0,0,0.5) 10px, rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 10px,
rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 20px) top left no-repeat yellow;
background-size: 200px 200px, 150px 150px;
Plaid gradient
To create plaid we include several overlapping gradients with transparency. In the first background declaration we listed every color stop separately. The second background property declaration using the multiple position color stop syntax:
// -------- 将以base64的图片url数据转换为Blob --------
function convertBase64UrlToBlob(urlData, filetype){
var bytes = window.atob(urlData.split(',')[1]);
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length);
var ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
ia[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i);
return new Blob([ab], {type : filetype});
$input.on('change', function (e) {
var input = $input.get(0);
var files = input.files || [];
if (files.length === 0) {
console.log('选中 ' + files.length + ' 个文件');
// 遍历选中的文件,预览、上传
$.each(files, function (key, file) {
var filename = file.name || '';
var fileType = file.type || '';
var reader = new FileReader();
// onload事件
reader.onload = function (e) {
var base64 = e.target.result || this.result;
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("upload_file", convertBase64UrlToBlob(base64, fileType), filename);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// 开始上传
xhr.open('POST', uploadImgUrl, true);
// 发送数据